- 4
[1.10.2] Crash at Reloading-Model Manager ~ ModelLoader: baking
#4353 opened by L1nsus - 3
#4354 opened - 3
Ender IO/Extra Utilities and and my RF API are not working together.
#4355 opened by Machu297 - 3
Ftb infinity 2.7.0 starting problem
#4356 opened by nbfaraway - 4
Item Conduits can not extract items from Minefactory Reloaded Machines at all [1.10.2] [Mod Integration]
#4359 opened by sebastianknittel - 3
Network Conduit disconnecting OC components (and then reconnecting them a moment later)
#4357 opened by Darinth - 8
Ender io crashes game on startup
#4358 opened by quicktinker - 6
massive tps lagg with ender io bundles
#4360 opened by unstablecraft - 3
SkyFactory 2.5.6 crash [1.7.10]
#4361 opened by NathanZook - 19
Cryo-Stabilized Fluxduct
#4363 opened by GhostShot3 - 1
Incompatibility with Web-API (Sponge plugin)
#4364 opened by Valandur - 0
Ghost skeletons
#4362 opened by DemonfangArun - 2
EnderIO and RV3 issue
#4365 opened by ghostlyvc - 3
- 1
Can not build EnderIO-Base 1.11
#4367 opened by haza1608 - 0
Inventory panel not returning items to the drawer controller/drawers.
#4376 opened by Undeadbear - 5
[1.10.2] Massive Conduit Lag in Chunks that are unloaded or semi unloaded.
#4373 opened by StoneLegion - 17
EnderIO Dont Opened
#4378 opened by DarkTimes3000 - 2
I don't even know...
#4382 opened by RayyaanAKhtar5t4r - 2
Game won't start. API version rv2 Ender IO
#4388 opened by TheFredrik - 3
Merge the 1.11 codebase into one branch [WIP]
#4405 opened by MatanShahar - 1
Combustion Generator won't provide power to adjacent machines
#4396 opened by MatanShahar - 5
Resolving resource duplication in modules
#4409 opened by MatanShahar - 0
cant repair dark steel armor in 1.7.10
#4411 opened by OmegaRogue - 4
New builds testing
#4412 opened by Manuepolis23 - 4
[1.10.2] Ender-IO Crash
#4416 opened by BuyWhy - 2
Server Crashed, but I have no idea why.
#4429 opened by voxasor - 1
[1.11.2] Crash With Forestry
#4431 opened by TheLimePixel - 3
[1.10.2] Transfer via Universal Cable and Fluxducts
#4433 opened by Steve505 - 2
[Suggestion] EMC Conduits
#4440 opened by Atticool - 2
Farming station GUI, swap south with north
#4436 opened by oliverjanik - 6
Electric Diamond duplication via Conductor, Item Conduits and AE2 interface.
#4438 opened by just-Bri - 8
Crash / minecraft 1.10.2
#4441 opened by joaovictorbarrera - 1
[Suggestion] Paint it all!
#4442 opened by Ranaida - 2
Help please Inventory system problem
#4443 opened by Pinkrhino13 - 1
Ender IO item conduits crashes minecraft when placed
#4445 opened by Mazak16661 - 1
Minecraft Farming station for enderIo is causing my minecraft to crash
#4446 opened by ToxicGhost9 - 1
Crashed while Initializing game with other mods
#4454 opened by Anime0258 - 0
Painted stairs are dark with smooth lighting off
#4450 opened by Zero-ui9 - 2
Ender Io crash
#4451 opened by ModderMan - 1
conduit connector textures missing
#4452 opened - 7
Conduit Bundle low TPS
#4457 opened by WolfeyWolfey - 1
#4459 opened by gogozooom - 2
Facades don't work with connected texture blocks
#4458 opened by CorneliusCornbread - 0
1.10.2 Dark Axe - double slab crash
#4462 opened by Headshot5867 - 3
1.10.2 EnderIO conduits not accepting redstone signal from Computercraft
#4461 opened by Skullywag - 3
Issue with Inventory Sensors
#4464 opened by Cryptoman100 - 3
Function Upgrade Item show all creative tabs
#4465 opened by SteveKunG - 0
Waila reports Vibrant Capacitor as tile.blockCapBank.none.name
#4467 opened by TheQuadShot - 6
Crashing in the Nether - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Server tried to update attributes of a non-living entity
#4471 opened by Cheremenin