- 3
Farming station + chorus fruit on SpongeForge server = crash
#4297 opened by kaal-1 - 4
Ender IO crash 1.7.10
#4298 opened by ultravioletthd - 0
Redstone Conduit and Draconic Evolution crash
#4299 opened - 2
[Request] Fluid conduit pipes transparancy
#4300 opened by Ezoteric - 5
EnderIO Item Filter Bug (1.7.10)
#4301 opened by geong1 - 3
Random crashing
#4302 opened by SpikeVanHellsing - 1
Unable to paint wood planks
#4303 opened by wolfrunner86 - 1
[1.10.2] Farming Station with Silent's Gems' Hoe causes crash
#4304 opened by thephoenixlodge - 1
#4306 opened by TheNorgan - 1
[1.7.10]IllegalAccessError on placing a TE Tesseract
#4307 opened by picatrix1899 - 2
[1.7.10] Ender IO Problem (Crash)
#4308 opened by TheLyroVZ - 0
Shadow Bug with Painted Stairs
#4309 opened by ZerrayX - 1
Soul Vial Doesn't Stay In Hand
#4310 opened by natedogith1 - 7
"Losing" Item Filters
#4305 opened by psxlover - 2
[Suggestion]Allow hiding of travel anchors from the staff/travel UI
#4314 opened by Glockshna - 1
[Crash] Nullpointerexception
#4311 opened by Chemox - 2
[Suggestion] Block Exchange Item
#4312 opened by Vastrix - 0
Powered Spawner breaks with power
#4313 opened by Wolf68k - 1
[Suggestion] ability to combine any conduit before placing them.
#4317 opened by RepoDraghon - 0
Ender rail dosen't work correct
#4318 opened by Slasherss1 - 17
Crash Upon entering private server. Any ideas?
#4315 opened by Tylerun - 1
Issue between Actually Additions Fermenting Barrel and EnderIO Conduits 1.10.2
#4316 opened by Tylerun - 2
Error FR Api in EnderIO-1.7.10-
#4320 opened by DatRalf - 5
Milk Dupe Bug
#4324 opened by zack-emmert - 0
The experimental line for skeletons should be disabled by default please.
#4322 opened by clearwind117 - 10
Graphic Glitch with Facades and Machines while using a shader
#4323 opened by InvicTech - 2
Fatal Error Found :<
#4326 opened by Hyperbear88 - 1
copy filter configurations
#4325 opened by GizmoTheGreen - 1
Fatal Error
#4327 opened by Hyperbear88 - 1
[Suggestion] Blacklist for Wireless Charger
#4328 opened by DerMax93 - 1
Feature Request: Counting Fluid Filter?
#4329 opened by Zetharion - 5
Weather Obelisk automation
#4330 opened by InjuredWolf - 3
EnderIO wiki down
#4331 opened by Sinhika - 6
The RF API that is being used differs from the one being loaded.
#4332 opened by jacobyzx - 0
EnderIO - Massive Lag
#4333 opened by Keaton1188 - 0
Staff of Traveling can teleport through world border.
#4334 opened by disba1ancer - 3
Client crash when painting Travel Anchor with demon metal
#4335 opened by scalda - 1
[Suggestion] bundled redstone API
#4336 opened by octarine-noise - 3
Status on 1.11.x and 1.12.x ??
#4338 opened by TheEmeraldGuy - 1
Suggestion: Add the possibility to disable TiC weapon use in Killer Joe
#4339 opened by vlce-versa - 4
Chromaticraft + EnderIO Dedicated Server Crash
#4337 opened by TsumiHokiro - 1
Machines transfer RF?
#4340 opened by totte1015 - 4
#4341 opened by GhostShot3 - 2
Farming Station and Natura Cotton Crops causes server crash
#4342 opened by Tipsied - 1
[Crash] [1.7.10] NoClassDefFoundError: ic2/api/item/ISpecialElectricItem
#4343 opened by anar4732 - 0
Enhanced Energy conduit doesn't seem to react to restore signals
#4344 opened by chezpaul - 3
EnderIO thinks the RF API is lower than 1.4.0 while it's actually 1.7.0
#4346 opened by z0mbat - 2
[1.10.2] [Question] Where is the energy capability of items?
#4347 opened by bxz2311196368 - 2
Redstone conduit Causes NoClassDefFoundError net/minecraft/world/World$2
#4345 opened by artheus - 5
[1.10.2] Crash with malformed JSON creating SP World
#4348 opened by Morpheus1101