- 2
Item conduits don't connect to Fossils and Archeology mod's machines
#5037 opened by mser7 - 0
Game crashes when using a "Direct" axe in the Farming Station
#5040 opened by SiliconEnt - 0
[Bug] GameCrash after opening Enderio Conduit selection interface connected to Gregtech machines/cable
#5041 opened by TheonlyTazz - 2
[enhancement] MIMO conduits
#5042 opened by DemonfangArun - 1
Stuck at Phase 2, EnderIO
#5043 opened by Gyunbie - 2
EnderIO crashes Minecraft when opening search tab
#5044 opened by Teppynyx - 1
Abrupt crash trying to place an item conduit
#5045 opened by brisingraerowing - 4
Server Crash 1.7.10 modded
#5046 opened by timpan77 - 1
No longer able to disable fluid use on Rod of Return (after new config system?)
#5047 opened by ajthemacboy - 2
[Audio ]Fatal FPS Freeze after a thread6, thread7 net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundManager
#5048 opened by alxcool - 3
Server crash
#5051 opened - 0
Maybe a problem
#5052 opened by Notlucky101 - 7
Advanced item filter still bugged in Refined Storage conduits
#5053 opened by calloatti - 8
Item Conduit Extraction Speed decreasing with more Speed Upgrades
#5058 opened by BrainInBlack - 4
Dimensional Transceiver GUI is transparent to mouse clicks
#5055 opened by FlyingThunder - 2
Ender IO lower level conduits not limiting higher level conduits' power flow
#5056 opened by flyingperson23 - 19
Endergy Totemic Capacitor recipe unbalanced... [Can't applied Efficiency Enchant]
#5057 opened by Fireztonez - 3
Minecraft modpack crash.
#5061 opened by lllooolll20 - 4
[Suggestion] Allow us to convert loot capacitors into stackable versions that take a slight performance hit
#5063 opened by AMartinie - 5
logWood to sticks recipes add 1 recipe for each type of stickWood
#5064 opened by Fireztonez - 2
How are Energy Conduits handling Power loss?
#5068 opened by hexxone - 14
Crash with Pixelmon trying to spawn in Pokemon [1.12.2]
#5065 opened by zackeezy - 0
NullPointerException in capacitor bank GUI
#5066 opened by MrMetric - 2
error with bungeecord servers
#5070 opened by Nbgreen - 1
1.7.10 crash during initialization
#5071 opened by Goldenschmidt - 4
Enderman Evolution soul vials not added to creative tab.
#5069 opened by Renari - 5
Crash in 1.12.2 after adding EnderIO
#5072 opened by hxck - 2
Ender Pickaxe with Direct and Erebus crash bug
#5073 opened by KitKat31337 - 2
The Tinkers’ Construct Direct trait not working on cleaver
#5075 opened by Dimentive - 4
Refined storage conduit exporting bug
#5076 opened by BlackHeart-TF - 2
crash when adding Gregtech Additions/TiC
#5077 opened by MasterBuilder747 - 3
Wiki update
#5078 opened - 8
1.13/1.14 plans
#5074 opened by Zhythero - 6
Endergy asking for EnderCore Version 5.0.48
#5080 opened by Silencx - 1
Support for Hwyla in 1.12.2 plz
#5081 opened by magcicada - 4
[1.12.2] Server Startup Crash
#5082 opened by Nitair - 3
[1.7.10]crash when loading a world
#5083 opened by tonimark - 2
Duplicated recipes generates a lot of warns
#5084 opened by InfiniteX95 - 2
Hiding JEI categories in CT does not work as expected
#5085 opened by MasterBuilder747 - 7
Ender IO Machine Break Crash
#5086 opened by Cazadorsniper - 1
[suggestion] dyeable enderio machines
#5091 opened by ben-mkiv - 3
Capacitors are lost when resetting devices in crafting
#5092 opened by Dimentive - 2
Interaction with Botania Ring of Magnetism causing client crash on machine harvest
#5093 opened by Water-Cat1 - 1
Forge version mismatch 1.12
#5094 opened by NVLMagic - 1
Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct error
#5087 opened by RoSirius - 18
Step assist message Bug and doesn’t disappear. And Padding Sound Bugs with dynsurroundings
#5088 opened by SirAron111 - 5
Cannot paint vanilla blocks, such as trapdoors
#5089 opened by Dimentive - 1
Entity being ticked, not sure who to blame
#5090 opened by walker-dev - 3
Extremely fast growth when using Acceleration Wand on Farming Station (All The Mods 3)
#5095 opened by slotthhy - 0
Unpainted Dark Pressure Plate getting "painted" on block break
#5096 opened by xenoflot