- 6
Conduit Probe Copy-paste not functioning for redstone conduits
#5011 opened by LuciusV - 0
Multiple Crafter Machine Bugs
#5014 opened by BitEBat - 3
[Suggestion] the padding upgrade for the dark/end steel helm should be disableable
#5012 opened by LordMZTE - 1
[Suggestion] upgradable armor
#5013 opened by LordMZTE - 3
Render crash with techreborn Lamp and block conduit
#5015 opened by parlador - 3
the game crashes when the world loads
#5017 opened by KiraLinux - 2
[Feature Req] Refined Storage conduits through Dimensional Transceiver
#5016 opened by DigitalZilla - 2
Dimensional transceiver "Create channel" button is not working
#5021 opened by mih44 - 3
Soul vial blacklist
#5022 opened by SSKirillSS - 1
EnderIO release 5.0.40 requires an alpha version of EnderCore
#5023 opened by Travis9x - 2
[Suggestion] Sensor filter doesn't have all capabilities of comparator.
#5018 opened by Bellwar - 2
Dark Leggins Swiftnes
#5019 opened by zedner - 1
Fatal Recipe Error
#5026 opened by ChrisDemonEye - 1
Conduit filters don't show item names when hovered over.
#5027 opened by Tfarcenim - 0
Wrong Sendingļ¼Please Ignore This Issue
#5024 opened by Worrizit - 1
Inventory Panel and Storage System Bug
#5025 opened by Worrizit - 1
Problem with crafttweaker support
#5029 opened by grubre2 - 2
Powered Dark Backhoe in the Farming Station got moved to the output slot when it is out of powered
#5030 opened by mser7 - 8
Powered Spawners and Broken spawners don't work as expected
#5031 opened by Zajcu37Fan - 9
Block with NBT Causes Crash
#5032 opened by Taskeren - 1
Compact machines ME conduit support
#5034 opened by DemonfangArun - 8
Recipe registry plugin crashed
#5035 opened by calloatti - 5
Server loading stuck at Updating Config
#5033 opened by Runevoice - 0
Liquid duplication glitch
#4980 opened by LemADEC - 2
Energy not draining (1.12.2)
#4982 opened by FlyingThunder - 5
Issue with Electric lights (inverted and/or normal)
#4983 opened by Luf2K14 - 2
#4981 opened by GoogleTan - 2
log spam with ServerChannelRegister
#4984 opened by LemADEC - 1
ElectricLight Bug
#4985 opened by MatWein - 2
[Suggestion] Add the ability to set priority for energy endpoints
#4986 opened by chuggafan - 7
[ Bug ] Simple Wired Charger
#4987 opened by ItHurtsLikeHell - 1
Ender IO Endergy incorrect dependency listing.
#4988 opened by Dragnier - 0
Telepad teleportAll method not checking the correct target
#4989 opened by Vexatos - 2
RAM issue with AnvilRecipeWrappers.
#4990 opened by mrapplexz - 3
Russian translate trouble
#4991 opened by Whitebrim - 5
Client crash with conduits (?)
#4998 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 1
Tinkers' Construct Integration of Endergy alloys
#4999 opened by HeroOfChaos - 5
Block Detector output is inverted
#5000 opened by OhiraKyou - 0
Farming station doesn't respect silk touch
#4992 opened by Tfarcenim - 3
Increased Memory Needed with Updating
#4993 opened by FallenEagle1 - 1
Enhanced Combustion Generator missing Animation in UI
#4995 opened by VallenFrostweaver - 2
Power generation values not accurate using JEI
#4996 opened by VallenFrostweaver - 4
Painted doors let light through
#5001 opened by clragon - 3
Suggestion: Wearable Enderman head and tormented Enderman head
#5002 opened by mser7 - 2
Suggestion: Alloy smelter make a distinct sound while operating, like the sag mill
#5003 opened by mser7 - 2
(Maybe) Problem between EnderIO and Extreme Reactors
#5006 opened by Horf - 6
Fluid conduits not extracting from a machine with multiple outputs
#5005 opened by Tfarcenim - 0
Unable to repair Ender gear
#5007 opened by ChadPortman - 1
Slice'N'Splice does not accept ProjectE Shear
#5008 opened by LuciusV - 1
[Suggestion] add farming station button to clear farm
#5010 opened by LordMZTE