![[ETF] Entity Texture Features - [Fabric & Forge]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/983/279/256/256/638491557830728907.png)
- 5
Unexpected Crash
#86 opened by NaiNonTH - 4
[1.18.2] [fabric] incompatibility with more totems of undying
#85 opened by dadoirie - 4
[1.19] [Fabric] Unwanted enchanted pixels on the cape
#84 opened by Precizne - 5
[Quark mod] incompatible with block entity features
#83 opened by Akaixz - 2
Emissive textures bug
#82 opened by googlescientificnameforapig - 3
[Forge] Crash with a clean .minecraft folder
#81 opened by ShipHeatRook - 4
Forge 1.18.2 Client crash
#80 opened by raffle2 - 3
Log Spam (Screenshot +Log included)
#79 opened by ardissaps - 4
[Forge 1.18.2] Crash (no other mod installed)
#78 opened by OverEarth12 - 1
[Error] Could not execute entrypoint stage 'client' due to errors, provided by 'cem'!
#77 opened by Kino0208 - 6
Very poor performance (reading from the file system every frame)
#74 opened by FoundationGames - 14
entity spawned on soul sand or mud use default texture when using the blocks rule
#73 opened by TheOnlyJoeEnderman - 4
Emissive trident doesn't work properly in emissive resource pack
#71 opened by EGOIST1372 - 2
Minecarts don't work at all
#70 opened by GoobyMain - 2
Spiders are not textured correctly with Faithful Alternate entities
#69 opened by Lolothepro - 2
Sheep fur textures don't seem to be working
#68 opened by firyy - 9
Ender chest texture broken (Fabric 1.19 latest version)
#67 opened by Lucipo - 3
[Quilt 1.18.2] Game crashing, suspecting it's when the player change dimension
#65 opened by craftish37 - 3
1.18.2 Forge Crash
#64 opened by Orgamorsh - 1
Emissive item textures don't work for custom models.
#61 opened by enjarai - 1
Caching should be cleared when leaving a world/server
#59 opened by PssbleTrngle - 2
[Feature Request] Support different textures for the left and right wing of elytra
#57 opened by Sea-Kerman - 3
2 pixel blinking bugged
#55 opened by lxly9 - 1
Broken textures for some mobs when using Vanilla Additions
#54 opened by 0710H - 9
Client is crashing randomly
#53 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 5
emissive elytra texture doesnt work when crouching
#50 opened by bennyd87708 - 1
[1.18.2] Game crashed
#49 opened by pewblaze - 2
Bug with 3D models (CEM)
#47 opened by NovaXCIV - 3
Incompatibility issue with several emissive resource packs
#45 opened by EGOIST1372 - 4
Incompatability with Figura
#44 opened by PencilVoid - 2
Compatibility with Animatica
#43 opened by SunnySlopes - 1
Compatibility issue: Fix better sheep and butterfly bats resource packs
#39 opened by EGOIST1372 - 1
Compatibility issue: fix cute mob models resource pack
#38 opened by EGOIST1372 - 1
Compatibility issue: fix fresh animation resource pack
#37 opened by EGOIST1372 - 2
Question: Support for CIT armor emissives
#36 opened by maximumpower55 - 8
Possible conflict with litematica
#35 opened by bennyd87708 - 7
Mod incompatibility crash on world join
#34 opened by clarfonthey - 21
2.6.0 memory usage
#33 opened by wsesrdtf - 4
#32 opened by wsesrdtf - 1
Crash when starting game
#31 opened by Flame115 - 8
( question ) name.<n>=<name>
#30 opened by wsesrdtf - 5
The shulker's head doesn't seem to have a custom texture applied.
#29 opened by wsesrdtf - 4
Failed to render Villager due to incompatibility with Custom Entity Models mod.
#28 opened by anch0vie - 3
Emissive on Elytras Overwritten by 3D skin layers
#27 opened by Lucipo - 4
What's this? A crash?
#26 opened by harl - 4
Game crash 1.18.2
#25 opened by EnderGirl1500 - 1
1 pixel blinking crash the game
#24 opened by MidyGamy - 11
Entity Texture Features [V2.5.3]-[1.18.x]
#23 opened by wsesrdtf - 12
ETF conficts with IRIS
#22 opened by cili96 - 3
Player Skin Features: emissive + blinking bug
#21 opened by Tectato