- 3
Losing Flight buff when someone other die/connect/disconnect
#123 opened by djwild - 1
Control ability distrebution through console
#124 opened by y0shir - 2
Suggestions: Option to adjust the range of blocks the Buff/Debuff totems apply to mobs.
#125 opened by SirAron111 - 5
Bug: Not getting displayed resulting totem when combining totems together.
#126 opened by SirAron111 - 2
Minecraft 1.14.4 Totems does not show up in JEI but shows up in creative
#127 opened by raziel23x - 3
Game crashes on start
#128 opened by AugoeidesGaming - 2
Bump to new Forge RB
#129 opened by WenXin20 - 1
Crash / incompatibility with CarryOn
#130 opened by MatthiasMann - 12
Game crashes when attacking zombies
#132 opened by raziel23x - 1
Crash w/ Public GUI Annoucement
#131 opened by WenXin20 - 6
Common_setup event phase Error 1.14.4
#133 opened by ShidouYuu - 1
1.14.4 not respecting config settings
#134 opened by krazzykid2006 - 1
#135 opened by MatthiasMann - 0
NullPointerExcpetion log spam when trying to add an ability which can't be added
#136 opened by MatthiasMann - 1
[1.14.4] java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking entity when attacking a zombie while invisible
#137 opened by raziel23x - 0
@p command
#138 opened by Tyrius1 - 3
The everlastingabilities folder not created in the config folder.
#139 opened by MakiTsuki - 2
How to add crafting recipes for the different totems?
#140 opened by MakiTsuki - 2
White Rarity Particles showing on all mobs at distance in fog
#141 opened by IdrisQe - 10
Fly Ability is not Working
#142 opened by itsgelo - 1
Add support for Demagnetize mod.
#144 opened by digitalseraphim - 1
Ability Totem only removes Main Hand item, even when used in Off Hand
#146 opened by Discomanco - 2
Certain abilities are not working with every mob
#147 opened by Wxrlds - 2
Compatabilty issue with Corail Tombstone Mod
#148 opened by Anuuviem - 0
smeltable totems
#149 opened by fistidgious - 1
Conflict with PattysMoreStuff / Any flight item.
#150 opened by DraknusX - 6
#151 opened by Serzh812 - 1
[1.14.4] From Discord: CyclopsCore 1.6.1 is an API-breaking change
#152 opened by GreyMario - 0
FTB teams ally debuffs
#153 opened by Interferal - 1
Everlasting Abilities Respawn Issue
#154 opened by dreckz - 2
Flight ability lost on dimension switch need to re-apply
#155 opened by Crimix - 2
Minecraft crashed when entering a world
#156 opened by 2781762845 - 1
Add a config to allow XP to be deducted when using a totem, yet unchanged when using the bottle
#157 opened by scottwilson0308 - 1
Absorption effect's timer
#158 opened by Briezyy - 2
[1.14.4] Crash Upon Opening Ability Bottle
#159 opened by Areorah - 6
Transculent particles flickering
#160 opened by Azmalent - 1
Issue when using shaders
#161 opened by Stellarvideo588 - 0
[Suggestion] Unlockable ability slots.
#162 opened by SonicX8000 - 0
Max ability number is based on client config and not server
#163 opened by TopPercentageRattata - 1
[1.15.2] Totems in JEI
#164 opened by TheUntamed - 1
[1.12.2] Stacking Haste Above 2 Breaks Punching/Interacting Animations
#165 opened by KangaliaV - 4
Ability timers refresh erratically or run out when day cycle length is extended by OpticManager
#166 opened by Sardav - 1
Suggestion: Add a toggle and cost to have on.
#167 opened by wolfsilver00 - 0
Improve the Totems description to tell players what they do to avoid confusion. Hast for example not only ups mining but also attack speed.
#169 opened by SirAron111 - 1
Some vanilla passive mobs missing from default config
#168 opened by TheOldOne822 - 2
Am I using the wrong wildcard for friendly filtering?
#170 opened by PurpleHel - 12
#171 opened by RyoStonewell - 1
Character abilities disappearing on disconnect.
#172 opened by Velion0223 - 1
Particle effects issues
#173 opened by Tearlow - 2
Fresh config not breaking haste?
#174 opened by Tearlow