- 1
Remove specific abilities from mob loot drops
#107 opened by Cazadorsniper - 3
Change allocated abilities
#108 opened by luis-figueiredo - 1
A way to delete an ability
#109 opened by MarkSzita - 1
ignores DoMobLoot rule
#110 opened by Yakaita - 0
Ignore domobloot gamerule
#111 opened by Yakaita - 2
Flight not working
#112 opened by Darkfiend009 - 1
Abilities drop even when keepInventory is true
#113 opened by ArmandAgopian - 2
Cant disable effect
#114 opened by violetkitty87 - 4
Using JEI to create teams not counting to prevent negative effects
#115 opened by Bioshokar - 2
Ability Toggle
#116 opened by Graywaren - 2
Ability Level Stacking + Recipe + XP questions
#117 opened by Graywaren - 1
Adjustable totems strength to better balance them out.
#118 opened by SirAron111 - 3
Enhancement: config to prevent Fake players to drop the totems.
#119 opened by SirAron111 - 2
Haste and Weakness Totems Bestowing Unfair/Unexpected Abilities
#120 opened by Barerock - 3
Losing abilities upon death.
#121 opened by Danapel - 2
errors in log after dying in hardcore. lagging back at the title screen
#122 opened by mattrix444 - 3
Freeze on Forge Loading
#70 opened by Ferrocn - 5
:bug: Crash trying to Recycle totems
#71 opened by Nachtflame - 2
No mobdrop configuration
#72 opened by BitBork - 4
Totem Crafting Bug
#73 opened by Jkosio23 - 2
Absorption duration bug
#74 opened by Fransango - 4
Effect feature(s) request
#75 opened by BitBork - 1
Create a capped amount of abilities active
#76 opened by Erfurt92 - 2
Feature request. Disabling the particle effects showing rarity on mobs
#77 opened by mewzurui - 8
ItemStackMutableAbilityStore crash
#78 opened by DatrixTHLK - 2
Blacklist for mobs dropping ability totems
#79 opened by brisingraerowing - 4
Ability stuck in bottle
#80 opened by JFMillerUSA - 2
Step Height effect breaks stepping from paths to slabs / stairs
#81 opened by brisingraerowing - 1
Question: Overlay position
#82 opened by Bearorrism - 7
Crash when crafting new totem from three: "Tried getting a random ability for a rarity for which no abilities exist"
#83 opened by BartAlcorn - 6
not fixed #84
#85 opened by walker-dev - 2
Crash Report
#84 opened by Nexusdog - 10
A Lot of Ability Totems in one chest
#86 opened by andr9528 - 3
Abrupt Crash when loading world
#87 opened by brisingraerowing - 1
Seem to be getting too many rare totems
#88 opened by faeldray - 2
Graphic glitches & controls weirdness
#89 opened by Nexusdog - 2
Searing Light passes through ( Caster )
#90 opened by Knito58 - 2
Abilities cause hunger?
#92 opened by Plurp13 - 3
Can't change maximum amount of abilities a player can have to infinity
#91 opened by espilsad - 2
Option to disable abilities effect towards mobs from an enitre mod
#93 opened by zezreli - 1
Trouble with creating recipes for totem.
#94 opened by EchoInvader96 - 3
Abilities that grant potion effects stopped working
#95 opened by MindCaged - 2
Negative effects targeting passive mobs
#97 opened by Deuxis - 3
potion effects blinkes.
#98 opened by matyklug18 - 4
Can duplicate abilities on server
#99 opened by Bahnschrift - 2
Repositionable Active Effects display
#100 opened by Zarepheth - 3
On a brand new world, you get experience and a random effect
#101 opened by jinkhya - 1
Some abilities stop working if daylight cycle is set to false.
#102 opened by PurpleHel - 1
Separate Hunger drain adjustable in the config for each rarity type.
#104 opened by SirAron111 - 5
A Config option, to prevent players from taking dmg from abilities like wither and poison?
#105 opened by SirAron111