- 7
Does this mod still have compatibility with 'Player Revive'?
#44 opened by tacusin - 7
Blood Magic compatibility
#45 opened by DevTimur - 0
All Players get healed on tick in FirstAid 1.6.5
#46 opened by ichttt - 1
crashes on world load in 1.13.2
#47 opened by duntwave - 1
- 2
[1.14.4] Skeletons + First Aid = One-shot kill
#51 opened by GamertechAU - 0
hmmm is it clientside?
#52 opened - 4
Tinkers compatibility issue
#53 opened by Scortan - 4
The mod isn't respecting any restrictions (Claims, server-properties PVP, /heal)
#54 opened by TheFlash787 - 2
No Head hp, but not dead
#55 opened by black0039 - 0
Losing any form of health boost deals damage
#56 opened by AlphaFromOmega - 4
[1.12.2] First aid is doing damage calculation to early.
#57 opened by Speiger - 1
Poison damage causing non-registered death
#58 opened by AstrumLeonis - 0
Client-Only Method func_187503_a
#59 opened by ichttt - 0
[1.14.4] Internal Sever Error when attempting to play Hurt Sound
#61 opened by Morpheus1101 - 2
Broken GUI
#62 opened by GeckGlobal - 0
Betweenlands Poison Ivy Damaging All Player Bodyparts with FirstAid
#63 opened by RWGryphon - 2
Blindness diffuse applied even when fully disabled
#64 opened by mojoyup1528 - 1
Thaumcraft thaumium fortress armor locational armor bug/visual bug
#65 opened by Biviho - 2
Shields do not negate damage on Sponge Forge servers
#66 opened by T0ED - 6
1.12.2 Dying issue.
#67 opened by RupticMC - 2
[Feature Request] Config for Death via Status Effect
#68 opened by znaxcy - 3
Compat with sleep-timelapse mods?
#69 opened by astrononeko - 1
Totems of Undying don't work sometimes because this mod makes them buggy and breaks them.
#70 opened by SuperSoldier1337 - 1
Genetics Reborn Incompatibility
#71 opened by Villiy - 1
[1.14] Conflict with spice of life carrot edition
#72 opened by mgaray99 - 2
Shields don't work?
#73 opened by Gremzy - 1
[Incompatibility] Hungerstrike and First Aid, Eating food kills you
#74 opened by dreckz - 1
Problem with adding hearts
#75 opened by Intybyte - 1
Overlay doesn't show up on the right side
#77 opened by Owbb - 3
[Incompatibility] Spice of Life: Carrot Edition and First Aid, Eating food kills you
#76 opened by dreckz - 5
1.14 healing via sleep doesn't work
#78 opened by LuckyChickens - 3
1.12.2 Natural Regen still works
#79 opened by ReverseNutsack - 1
- 0
The config To modify the Scale Max health appears to be locked.
#81 opened by Wizard-ice - 3
Totem of Undying kill you after revive you
#82 opened by TBiscuit1 - 2
[Incompatibility] Combined with Scaling Health mod, health desyncs upon restart of game.
#83 opened by D-Bigboy-302 - 2
No food bar texture while there's a boss bar
#84 opened by Gremter - 2
[1.12.2] Armor and Armor toughness qualities from Quality Tools don't work
#85 opened by 04Slash - 2
No heart GUI in survival [1.12.2]
#87 opened by KPV444444444 - 2
[1.15.2] Spawn with no health?
#86 opened by HailTheRavenKing - 1
Can't change naturalRegeneration to true in the config at all!
#88 opened by yourizuring - 4
Shield don't work with SpongeForge
#89 opened by Zarpyk - 8
Cant respawn
#90 opened by Ahhyourbad - 3
Some config questions.
#91 opened by talianagisan - 0
[1.15.2] Bountiful Baubles Mod Compatibility
#92 opened by D-Bigboy-302 - 0
Can't craft bandages?
#93 opened by Animeke - 2
[1.16.1]Crashes seem to occur whenever I fight mobs and a look at the crash report stated this mod to be the only problem
#94 opened by Silver073 - 4
Skeletons always headshotting in hard mode
#95 opened by Rafael-Leal-Prada-dos-Santos - 0
Feature Request: Mod Compat
#96 opened by Tyrius1