- 2
Bug with Traveler's Backpack [Fabric]
#299 opened by oOddaviidOo - 1
Load loop on Fabric when adding First Person (1.18.2)
#298 opened by Vinson8970 - 1
Crayfish's gun mod incompatible
#302 opened by Problemreported - 9
Cosmetica Issue while rendering head cosmetic (Along with TooManyPlayers incompat)
#301 opened by craftish37 - 2
Cannot View Chestplates with Vanilla Hand Enabled
#303 opened by CosmicChrisss - 0
Configs don't respect custom game directory [BUG]
#310 opened by DevScyu - 1
Player's drop shadow is positioned incorrectly after first person model is enabled
#304 opened by PencilVoid - 1
[Enchantment] FirstPersonModel + minecraftPlayerAnimator
#305 opened by ChickChuck2 - 1
[Log] Mixin config firstperson.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property
#306 opened by Lucky-56 - 6
Body disappears with The Box Trot mod
#307 opened by slava110 - 1
1.19.2 Horn animation causes crash
#308 opened by Freeflier - 2
[1.19.2]Unexpected error on Startup
#309 opened by OcrSu - 24
Add advanced options to manually enable or disable specific mixins
#312 opened by TsukiTheDwagon - 6
[1.19.2 Fabric] Hats (AKA items with models) with the mod "Essential" installed forces hats to render in firstperson.
#315 opened by XFAXIO - 16
(1.12.2) Backport & Support Mods
#313 opened by BoraiperXD - 1
Better combat issues with crouching
#314 opened by ClockworkzAI - 1
[1.19.2 Forge] Changing the "sneakXOffset" parameter does not work with the "Pehkui" mod
#316 opened by Sora-Akuma - 2
Weird behaviour when sitting on "Another Furniture" seating options
#317 opened by LeonKappaX - 5
Minecraft loading screen fades in and out repeatedly
#318 opened by nNoav - 3
[Suggestion] Option to Toggle Cape for Rendering in FP
#319 opened by SmirkVG - 2
[Suggestion] Request to add viewpoint X, Y offset in config
#323 opened by TinyblackQvQ - 0
Witch Hat from mod "Biome Makeover" is rendered in a wrong/incompatible way
#324 opened by Meow-Bots - 1
#325 opened by MIfoodie - 1
(Bug) Essentials Cosmetics clip through player HUD
#326 opened by MultiBlueGamer - 8
Head with goggles disappering with First-person Model + Trinkets + Create
#320 opened by tuguzD - 4
Crouch Y offset off w/ Pehkui mod
#321 opened by RicoR3t - 3
[Bug] head rendering issue with MCA and "Regen" mod
#322 opened by AlienXtream - 1
[Compat] Charm's atlas doesn't render properly
#327 opened by ryleu - 4
Comically large body in Vivecraft
#328 opened by RandomVR - 3
#333 opened by fanrenla - 1
Request Better Combat fix for 1.16.5 version
#329 opened by Syclusion - 1
The mod crashes with 1.19.2 fabric loader 0.14.10. Mod creator please respond to my message when you get the chance to.
#330 opened by Crafty1340 - 13
Head turns invisible when Essential Mod is enabled
#331 opened by SGWasTooShort - 4
Hand blocks spyglass
#332 opened by Aceplante - 7
Exeption Feature
#336 opened by Dekmatik - 1
[SUGGESTION] Compatibility
#334 opened by Willem07 - 5
Body doesnt glow with the glowing effect
#335 opened by Aceplante - 3
Compatibility with "Kelvin's Better Player Animations"
#339 opened by mrcrashmer - 2
It crashed on start.
#340 opened by defautluser0 - 3
Helmet blocks view
#337 opened by Satanaelcode - 3
Compatibility with better combat
#338 opened by 48004800 - 2
Looking down and crouching while on an edge causes me to fall because of sitting
#341 opened by Dino730 - 4
not ending loading screen
#342 opened by felicia1the1goat - 1
Compatibility with cgm
#343 opened by supershorty1 - 0
Bugged with BackTools mod when swimming
#347 opened by StellarHarbour - 5
I need some help with the api
#348 opened by RazorPlay01 - 2
head is invisible and create mod googles are getting rendered using trinked mod
#344 opened by GamingDuniya530 - 5
Worlds won't load.
#345 opened by HeroRyker - 4
No visual body fire?
#346 opened by Aceplante - 2
First Person Body HUGE!!
#349 opened by Raezroth