- 3
[1.14] Item drop issues (on breaking)
#594 opened by qrss - 2
[1.14] Lag and freezing with Composite Chests
#593 opened by qrss - 6
[1.14] Needs a specific Forge version?
#592 opened by qrss - 3
crash when loading a structure
#591 opened by matyklug18 - 2
Dungeon Key 4
#590 opened by DrakeOStorm - 5
[1.12] builder gadgets vs Futurepack crash
#589 opened by darkrahmir - 0
[1.13.2+] Crash outside devenv with Classloader
#588 opened by mcenderdragon - 10
Redstone Pipe research has stalled.
#587 opened by MuniversalRabat - 2
Vanilla Gamerule doTileDrop doesn't affect Blocks
#586 opened by thebloxxer11 - 1
[BUG 1.12.2] optibench dupe
#585 opened by DevTimur - 2
crash with when covering with colored-redstone
#584 opened by complicitsalami - 5
Chunk Generation Issue
#583 opened by Slammyyyy - 6
[Request] More Crafttweaker support
#582 opened by DevTimur - 4
Industrial Neon Furnace not working
#581 opened by Tyncho22 - 12
Error with Research recipes
#580 opened by DevTimur - 3
[1.12.2-26.4.82][Albedo] Crash upon world load or creating new world
#579 opened by fuzzyfungi - 2
[Suggestion] Custom Planets
#578 opened by Trip-kun - 7
Client crash No other mods on client
#577 opened by mitchngwen - 2
Player kicked when placing experience in to an experience module clicking +.
#576 opened by ProsperCraft - 3
Lime Neon Lamp and Plasma Lamp use Green Bulletproof Glass instead of Lime
#575 opened by TeetoKaziim - 4
Player research stuck & command suggestion
#574 opened by DeliciousTea - 8
A folder is created "ores"
#573 opened by kellixon - 9
Minecraft 1-12-2 forge 2836 and fp 26-4-80 Exception in thread "futurepack.api.resources.AssetsDownloader@4104698e" Process exited with code 0
#572 opened by trogarus - 2
Calculation modul gets hot even when no power is available.
#571 opened by mcenderdragon - 3
[Large Problem] FPSelectorHelper never get removed from eventListeners
#570 opened by mcenderdragon - 1
New Recycler Recipes
#569 opened by mcenderdragon - 5
[Optifine] Error after loading world
#568 opened by kellixon - 1
console spam on startup
#567 opened by Chronic-Reflexes - 1
1.12.2 drone station not powerable
#566 opened by Wugand - 2
[Feature Request] Sharing Research
#564 opened by litjohn50 - 2
you can choose the power of your chipsets/RAM/CPU cores if you already own the type of chip you want.
#563 opened by tacct6 - 2
airlock block is able to break bedrock
#562 opened by tacct6 - 1
Recipe Handler bug. 3 = 2
#561 opened by TheRealM18 - 4
[Feature Request] Allow crafting with the Applied Energistics crafting terminal.
#560 opened by ProsperCraft - 3
Server crash - IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!
#559 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
Client crash - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property PropertyDirection{name=facing
#558 opened by ProsperCraft - 1
Client stacktrace in console. NPE
#557 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
Server hangs with wiring problem
#556 opened by Divineaspect - 3
[1.12.2-26.4.57] Unused "fp:stone" with metadata 7 & 8 are missing and have oredict entries
#555 opened by Compegen - 3
Crash in Chunk Scanner
#554 opened by mcenderdragon - 3
Probably, you have seen this error, but maybe not? Yes, with composite chest and NPE.
#553 opened by MadRatSRP - 1
Client crash after breaking a composite chest. NPE
#552 opened by ProsperCraft - 1
Crash with wrapup
#551 opened by brachy84 - 2
Questions regarding the log
#550 opened by lampyr - 2
BlockPusher break
#549 opened by mcenderdragon - 0
Tooltip crash with Block breakeer
#548 opened by mcenderdragon - 8
Crash in FPRecyclerTimeManipulatorManager
#547 opened by mcenderdragon - 10
Crash While Loading (no other mod installed)
#546 opened by RozyZx - 3
Scanner crashes server
#545 opened by TheRealM18 - 2
[1.12.2] [suggestion] Magnetite Block OreDict
#544 opened by ToMe25