- 2
Crash when launching version 1.9.5 on a server
#115 opened by tomaszjhuczek - 2
server crashed in version 1.9.5
#116 opened by tyan-boot - 1
Inputting redstone into the rbmk console will make the rods insert depending on the redstone signal (suggestion)
#117 opened by Ade0924 - 2
RF to HE Converter does not convert power
#118 opened by tomaszjhuczek - 1
waste gravel not turning back to gravel after using solinium bomb
#114 opened by abysschroma - 1
Crash with Energy Control
#126 opened by aking4125 - 1
T45 Armor Visual Bug
#127 opened by Renno231 - 0
Suggestion: Improvements to the neutron bomb.
#119 opened by xenoulexi - 2
random crash
#120 opened by Heketiitus - 1
Minecraft log filled with "PLATE APPROVED" message
#121 opened by CapitalismWouldveWorked - 2
Solinium quad rod cannot be bred into burned quad rod
#122 opened by CapitalismWouldveWorked - 2
Crash when using NTM Extended Edition, seemingly related with centrifuges.
#123 opened by Voxelstice - 6
suggestion: zirnox reactor?
#124 opened by soggyfever4568 - 1
Suggestion: Redstone fluid valve
#125 opened by xenoulexi - 6
Bug: For some reason the normal RBMK fuel rod and steam channel is uncraftible, or at the very least it doesn't show up in NEI.
#142 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Suggestion: Audio to go along with digamma contamination
#128 opened by xenoulexi - 2
Suggestion: Radiation shielded fluid ducts, cables, and crates
#129 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Crash when placing certain turrets down.
#130 opened by ShadeAware - 1
Suggestion: More things for custom nukes
#131 opened by ShadeAware - 0
Suggestion: Improved Pink Cloud
#132 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Minor nitpick but I feel like RBMK fuel lasts too long.
#133 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Redcoil/schrabidium transmutator crash
#134 opened by Workablelyu - 1
HEN Fuel Pellets don't have any recycling recipie?
#136 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Bug: Thermal Series Crescent Hammers cause the items in crates to despawn when you right-click on them.
#138 opened by xenoulexi - 8
Suggestion: fission fragment reactor and rocket engine
#139 opened by username90001 - 1
Suggestion: Add an option to disable jump boost from set bonuses and servos
#140 opened by EtheraelEspeon - 1
Bug: ReaSim RBMKs not producing steam, also steam channels and normal RBMK fuel rods uncraftable.
#141 opened by xenoulexi - 3
Suggestion: Make Automatic Control Rods AZ-5 compatible
#157 opened by diyamomd45 - 2
Infinite Fluid Barrels don't work, and no Deuterium Tower.
#144 opened by Puridor - 0
Suggestion: RBMK Pressurized Water Columns
#145 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Bug: Jetpack controls aren't working
#147 opened by EtheraelEspeon - 0
QoL: It would be nice if there were a config setting to control how much oil can be extracted from an oil deposit before it goes dry
#148 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Suggestion: Digamma Radiation is Cool, Yo.
#150 opened by ShadeAware - 0
Suggestion: STALKER style Psy Fields and Blowouts
#152 opened by xenoulexi - 0
Bug: Discharge Item Texture could not be found
#153 opened by beheadingtime3434 - 1
QoL: Iron Bars connect to Universal Fluid Ducts
#154 opened by EtheraelEspeon - 2
Suggestion: Make a more Detailed and enhanced RBMK Console and Crane Console
#170 opened by diyamomd45 - 0
Suggestion: Nuclear waste recycling
#159 opened by xenoulexi - 2
Suggestion: Partial Nuclear Meltdowns.
#160 opened by xenoulexi - 4
Suggetion: Multiblock nuclear reactor overhaul
#161 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Fractioning Tower has client-side class referenced server-side; java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
#162 opened by zach2039 - 0
Suggestion: All of my ideas for the mod,illustrated using screenshots.
#163 opened by xenoulexi - 0
Suggestion: Two more suggestions I had, again illustrated with screenshots.
#164 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Qol: Fluid Input and output Ports / Fluid Diodes
#165 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Bug: Attachable masks in the wrong place
#166 opened by TMCAtom - 6
Crashing on world load
#167 opened by toddw183 - 1
QoL: RBMK model lag.
#168 opened by xenoulexi - 0
Suggestion: Geothermal Heater and Solar Wind Antenna
#169 opened by xenoulexi - 1
1.7.10's OpenComputers integration support
#171 opened by Zduniusz - 0
Qol: Fuel consumption rate config settings
#172 opened by xenoulexi