- 1
#16 opened by 3mmfire - 1
Request: Asteroid Miner Config
#18 opened by bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 - 1
Request: MineTweaker Support
#19 opened by bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 - 4
max frame rate changes to 10 when using latest beta hbm1.0.27_BETA3111
#21 opened by RagexPrince683 - 0
error with chat
#20 opened by Shibva - 1
Issue in automating process
#22 opened by Weltkaiser - 5
max frame rate still changes to 10 AGAIN i'm using mac something to do with your new textures
#23 opened by RagexPrince683 - 3
double siren thing
#24 opened by strangelf47829 - 13
Bobmazon Not working
#25 opened by Big-Boofer - 1
Radar not working with custom missiles
#26 opened by whatsapp2 - 1
Costum missile
#27 opened by 3mmfire - 3
Silo hatch
#28 opened by 3mmfire - 2
Custom Nuke looks glitchy
#29 opened by whatsapp2 - 5
#31 opened - 1
#30 opened - 1
#32 opened by DurchlauchtheitFreddy - 1
Isotope Logo on the wrong side
#33 opened by mustang-rudolf - 1
why is the dev such a damn cutie
#34 opened by Nos74 - 0
suicide shotgun doesn't work in survival/no ammo that works for it
#35 opened by RagexPrince683 - 8
TestObj model file is missing
#41 opened by Syncinus - 1
Where do you put the libs folder for NEI dependencies?
#40 opened by Syncinus - 3
Long Loading Time With Gregtech 6
#43 opened by bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 - 41
I have a few questions...
#44 opened by Joey-Destroyah - 90
Build failed error when using gradlew commands on windows 10 to compile the newest hbm version.
#46 opened by Joey-Destroyah - 1
Hbm Compiled jar file crashes when booting up
#47 opened by Joey-Destroyah - 7
Tried using hoppers for multipurpose bomb. Got this error
#50 opened by Joey-Destroyah - 3
cyclotron does not accept power
#51 opened by bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 - 3
schrabidium device does not respect ore dictionary
#52 opened by bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 - 11
So... I activated Horizons and Got this MASSIVE Comet impacting Earth!
#54 opened by Joey-Destroyah - 9
You need a shredder to get a shredder
#59 opened by TheForge129 - 1
Steam turbines won't accept dense steam
#61 opened by TheForge129 - 1
Request: Weapon Config
#3 opened by bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 - 6
Request: Fluid Compatibility
#2 opened by bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 - 2
Request: Better Ore Dictionary Support
#1 opened by bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 - 3
Unable to Compile mod source
#6 opened by Weltkaiser - 1
Actual fix for the bolt action ammo thing
#7 opened by GrTaiyaki - 2
Request:Mixed suits
#8 opened by neumanfe - 1
Hazmat suit not protecting from plutonium
#10 opened by FinlayDaG33k - 2
Request: Turn off meteorites
#11 opened by FinlayDaG33k - 8
New batteries aren't working!!!
#12 opened by Eddybeast - 1
Request: Custom rocket lunch sounds
#13 opened by Moose1301 - 0
Request! Custom Missiles!
#14 opened by divine-ray - 1
request fix the nuclear bomb explosion
#15 opened by 3mmfire