- 1
small issues with crafting factory and chemical factory
#622 opened by TrueSanicWasHere - 2
Mining rocket gas flame netcode causes massive clientside logspam
#624 opened by thePalindrome - 4
Euphenium armor makes breaking sound on any damage
#625 opened by thePalindrome - 6
Lag spikes
#627 opened by Granniesgotaids - 4
UI is abnormal after electric furnace installation and upgrade
#661 opened by sun00055555 - 0
Make DFC Blocks Render 3D In Inventory
#662 opened by datboiiskool - 3
Conveyor ejector filter not working and not pulling from certain blocks
#631 opened by stinkytoot200 - 1
Crash with unnamed recipe
#632 opened by Granniesgotaids - 3
Stacking enabled in automatic crafting tables making certain recipes impossible
#633 opened by stinkytoot200 - 1
Stable zirnox reactor exploding on rejoin
#635 opened by stinkytoot200 - 0
what is the brandon turret?
#637 opened by mithrill5226 - 1
Vein miner ability does not work on redstone ore
#638 opened by MCNaOtlichnoYT - 5
[Informant] PSA: slot configured belts are the key to automation
#639 opened by Shibva - 1
How to ban the recipe in the template folder?
#642 opened by sdddddf80 - 1
Unlimited bullets by enchanting firearms.
#645 opened by LSK-LW - 5
energy going into the negatives when pulling power from machines
#646 opened by Shibva - 2
[minor bug] SILEX no longer renders FEL beam in block
#648 opened by Shibva - 0
(BUG/MOD INCOMPATIBILITY) VMW 1.7 along with hbm ntm makes the game freeze and unfreeze every second
#649 opened by Globalfirestorm10 - 0
(possibly bug, idk) Weird lag with the newest version
#650 opened by Globalfirestorm10 - 1
some bugs from my alone survival 1.12.2
#652 opened by RaubtierMLGpro - 1
[enhancment[ sneaking "reverse placement logic" for belts
#654 opened by Shibva - 9
funny belt ejector slots go BRRR
#655 opened by Shibva - 1
FBP paticles causes breaks default water steam visual
#657 opened by Shibva - 1
Abnormal hardness of automatic synthesis platform
#658 opened by sun00055555 - 1
Artillery turret bug?
#686 opened by Phillanor - 5
[bug] non-stabkables checker not preventing ntmContagion from applying to stackables
#681 opened by Shibva - 2
automatic mining drills should vein mine ores when encountering them
#682 opened by Sten89 - 0
[cross-mod issue] Warp-Drive breaking mods high blast resistence values
#684 opened by Shibva - 0
Thermal Foundation Compat
#664 opened by datboiiskool - 8
Grapical issues when holding a item or mobs
#665 opened by Prisonca - 0
Shredders should have Conveyor Ejector capabilities on all sides
#667 opened by Shibva - 2
Greg turret crashes game if atempting to fire using the turret controler
#668 opened by Shibva - 4
Conveyor ejector doesn't go the items to the right place
#669 opened by AlexMinecraft2012 - 3
This is bug or feature?🤨🤨
#674 opened by SannUlya - 12
git bash error
#675 opened by anotherRandomPersonlol - 1
A screwdriver to create a Key Imitation Kit can only be used once
#677 opened by KeTsarl - 1
Impact drill destroy the steel crate
#678 opened by SannUlya - 3
Zirnox reactor is blow up after enter the world
#698 opened by SannUlya - 1
The "roof collapse" effect of fallout has some problems
#701 opened by sdddddf80 - 3
Gregtech 6 Ores and Automatic/Laser Mining Drill
#702 opened by Murdermancer - 4
Missing recipe for build fusion reactor
#687 opened by SannUlya - 0
Energy blocks occasionally empty themselves when chunks are unloaded.
#688 opened by Spookysaw - 3
Conveyor inserters dont insert waste when waste is in stacks
#689 opened by stinkytoot200 - 2
screaming scientest upgrade should have its screams of agony play on maxwell
#690 opened by Shibva - 3
Please reduce the fire rate of Artillery Turret in automatic mode
#691 opened by ShadeAboveTheTide - 1
[Minor] chute logic should account for downward funneling
#692 opened by Shibva - 6
Long-distance belts leading to mass lag spike upon rendering; item buildup @ unloaded points
#693 opened by Shibva - 17
#697 opened by gabx03 - 2
Shield infusion disappears after being crafted and placed in the inventory
#703 opened by LSK-LW - 1
Radioactive fog should be blue instead of green
#704 opened by Kezii