- 1
#111 opened by ym1025 - 2
Startup crash by DisableOldMaterials config true
#114 opened by NattoLover15 - 1
Lost Empty Steak Plate by right click
#113 opened by NattoLover15 - 1
Some mistaken strings
#116 opened by NattoLover15 - 3
Reversed armor slot in entity inventory GUI
#115 opened by NattoLover15 - 1
[Suggestion] Add option to disable Highway Robber or add excluded entities
#117 opened by Prunoideae - 1
Server crash when using HaC pickaxes and axes
#118 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 2
Soybean, Wisteria, Seaweed and Lotus Root grow abnormally
#121 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 1
Toolsteel pickaxe can break bedrocks
#120 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 2
Render problems of Kuzuyu and Gazpacho
#122 opened by NattoLover15 - 2
Conflict Mill Recipe of Sand
#124 opened by NattoLover15 - 1
JER_profile Crash with H&CMod
#125 opened by iamweirdie - 3
I need to know where to find....but I can't log into curseforge due to expired oauth token
#126 opened by JadianRadiator - 1
Better With Mods integration
#128 opened by LEWeee - 2
Lost recipes of Pumpkin Box, Garlic Basket and Pancake Tower
#129 opened by NattoLover15 - 2
Setting the number of generation of buildings (mills)
#130 opened by SeagalKru - 7
Crash upon creating world
#131 opened by Rongmario - 2
=Duplicate mod=: after updating through the Twitch launcher.
#133 opened by SeagalKru - 2
Waila fails to display HAC's entity info
#132 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 3
Server crash: Attempted to set villager profession to unregistered profession: -1 null
#134 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 5
Player cannot respawn in multiplayer game
#135 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 2
HaC clothes and Vic's Modern Warfare incompatibility: NullPointerException
#136 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 2
Texture broke: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
#137 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 6
Crossbow's Power enchant is not working properly
#138 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 5
[Bug] Crossbow shoots continuously without charging
#139 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 0
players can’t respawn
#140 opened by vlssu - 2
#141 opened by ym1025 - 4
Client crash: IllegalStateException: Unable to get Y-rotated facing of up
#142 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 2
Game crash HaC and Optifine related: ArithmeticException: / by zero
#144 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 5
Wrong fluid level rendering for Tank Yard multiblock
#145 opened by Prunoideae - 2
Block duplication with scaffold blocks
#146 opened by Prunoideae - 3
Infinite energy from Induction Rotor Block
#147 opened by Prunoideae - 3
Some ores aren't showing
#149 opened by debbinghail - 1
Cascading WorldGen Lag
#150 opened by Darkit94 - 3
Thermal expansion - & Immersive engineering 0.12-92 - [Issues with creosote oil & Ethanol]
#151 opened by Devalut - 3
Transfer Portal tooltips, behavior, and GUI inconsistencies
#152 opened by NattoLover15 - 3
Raven and Armadillo Gauntlet malfunction
#153 opened by NattoLover15 - 2
Strange date displayed on Climate Info HUD after second year
#154 opened by Iunius118 - 2
Biomes o' Plenty plugin turns barley into rice in a mill
#155 opened by ketsuban - 2
Thermal Expansion recipe exploit
#156 opened by Prunoideae - 3
HeatAndClimateMod 1.12.2 3.3.3 Can't collect bedrock with Titanium Pickaxe
#157 opened by Tayu0404 - 2
Mangalloy Plate crash, lost and duplicate
#158 opened by NattoLover15 - 1
Crash client
#159 opened by SeagalKru - 1
Can I apply ore generation setting only to Twilight forest?
#160 opened by yunomic - 2
Creatures don't suffocate
#163 opened by El13B - 2
Can u..
#161 opened by LUEZIS - 1
The Black Lotus shows a pink
#167 opened by goeshimiru - 1
New Mod Updates Crash on Startup
#168 opened by EmilyBZ - 0
Duplication bug through Dog Talents Mod's puppy and Heat And Climate Mod's containers NBT hack
#169 opened by RisingInIris2017 - 4
#170 opened by tetuis