- 0
Test webhook
#453 opened by Speiger - 0
Webhook testing
#454 opened by Speiger - 1
Disabling crafting recipe for Nuclear Reactor and Machine Block
#455 opened by drenough - 0
Crash when combining composite vest with enchanted book in anvil
#456 opened by amontes4 - 1
Interference with other mods (Bug)
#457 opened by nechiru - 3
Crash on 1.12.2 with Baubles installed
#458 opened by DenEgg - 3
CropHarvester not getting full crop drops when harvesting crops with high Gain stat
#459 opened by daantipov - 2
No info about EU in NEI
#460 opened by manrovich - 3
Bug with pump and pump attachments, ticking tile entity issue
#461 opened by Ismael-V - 4
Grammar issues with advancement descriptions and titles
#462 opened by PawnixHere - 2
IItemHandler violation
#463 opened by bziemons - 1
Storage explodes when reaching full if connected to flux generator
#464 opened by michael-hart - 1
Drill EU capacity amount
#465 opened by leronquigly - 1
Ranged pump w/ filtered fluid scanner will pick up non whitelisted fluids
#466 opened by CorneliusCornbread - 1
[Question] Adjustable Transformer vs IV Transformer
#467 opened by nathanrsfba - 6
Unexpected Behavior - Plethora Inventory Wrapping & IC2 Classic
#468 opened by JordanTemrite - 2
[1.19.2] Guidebook changes the GUI size
#469 opened by Vapaman - 1
[1.19.2] Mining Laser is held incorrectly on the player model
#470 opened by Vapaman - 1
[1.19.2][Forge][Localization] Spaces and commas between numbers show as NBSP-sign when using non-english localization on your OS
#471 opened by Vapaman - 1
[1.19.2] Localization missing for Show Recipes in wiki
#472 opened by Vapaman - 8
[Suggestion] [Compatibility] Make flux generators compatible with AE2 energy acceptors
#473 opened by Vapaman - 0
Brand new tick profiler idea
#424 opened by e99999 - 1
add flag to make a recipe consume container items
#425 opened by Trinsdar - 1
Extractor recipe for gravel to flint does not use ore dict
#426 opened by netmc - 7
customMachineRecipes problem
#427 opened by BioTech21 - 1
Reactor Tracking Upgrade extracting Coolant Cells doesn't work.
#428 opened by Erik3003 - 2
reactor planner fails to import rods from addons
#430 opened by Trinsdar - 3
Ore Scanners cant scan for very rare Ores
#429 opened by GregoriusT - 2
one probe shows incorrect stats with crops when player has crop analyzer, like 0 growth points
#431 opened by Trinsdar - 1
Suggestion: interface or something to be used by the seed crop card base for checking if the item is an electric hoe type of item instead of hardcoding for the electric hoe
#432 opened by Trinsdar - 2
binnies dna sequences won't fit in industion furnace, and I assume the electric one too
#433 opened by Trinsdar - 1
automatable slots that have had their max stacksize set to something lower then what's in the super call cause deletion of
#434 opened by Trinsdar - 1
Make Compression Override Flag useless
#435 opened by Speiger - 0
New NEI feature
#436 opened by Speiger - 1
ReactorTrack Upgrade should support Steam reactors
#437 opened by Speiger - 2
issue with stack limiter upgrade
#438 opened by bear989 - 1
make nano suits not quantium lite
#439 opened by bear989 - 1
machine can be rotated up with a wrench even if they shouldn't be able too
#440 opened by Trinsdar - 1
eu reader does not take into account some things energy net does, causeing it to not read some stuff from ae energy accepter correctly
#441 opened by Trinsdar - 4
dupe bug with rubber wood
#442 opened by bear989 - 2
hoe seed mode
#443 opened by bear989 - 4
trying to fix #433 not only didn't fix it, but now cactus or sand won't fit in an electric furnace either, and I assume other things
#444 opened by Trinsdar - 1
insulated bronze cable recipe makes 2x insulated bronze cable insteand of 1x insulated
#445 opened by Trinsdar - 2
[1.12.2] Electric Furnace doesn't accept any item
#446 opened by ExDomino - 7
Can't get redstone signal from nuclear reactor based on heat.
#447 opened by AustinHaugerud - 1
Crash with Forestry
#448 opened by Nkh00 - 1
Refined Iron
#449 opened by Grexnarl - 1
#450 opened by Anonimo-77 - 2
Issue crafting items from IC2C (and piston)
#451 opened by Alyssalove27 - 11
Recycler Blacklist is not functional for modded items.
#452 opened by Slayer5934