- 1
Game not launching
#52 opened by neymargabo - 2
Crash: NPE on opening JEI - Industrial Wires compat
#53 opened by Krutoy242 - 8
LoliASM 4.2.1 still crashing on startup
#43 opened by FranklinMCA - 7
Longer loading times
#44 opened by Sereath - 10
1.12.2 - Loliasm 4.2.2 - Missing Textures for Dynamic Trees!
#45 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 3
MixinBooter is present. Game still crashes.
#46 opened by MagmaBro123 - 1
Breaking Mod-director functionality
#47 opened by mxnmnm - 1
Crash when loading worlds
#48 opened by Airisii - 1
Texture stitching problem with contenttweaker and roost
#49 opened by bodlosh - 6
Incompitable with OptiFine (Fluids)
#50 opened by BlayzerQ - 1
#42 opened by mxnmnm - 1
Game not launching
#57 opened by neymargabo - 2
Incompitable with OpenJ9(IBM)
#59 opened by SakuraRK - 3
Crash while resource reloading
#54 opened by ChromaPIE - 6
reuseBucketQuads causes strange glitch with buckets and AE Additions patterns
#55 opened by embeddedt - 1
When connecting to the server, a Fatally missing registry entries error occurs
#56 opened by Exzept1on - 2
Breaking Industrial Foregoing JEI Tabs
#60 opened by mxnmnm - 1
Conflict with Custom Main Menu
#61 opened by superhealing - 1
LoliASM causes IndustrialWires flywheel being invisible
#62 opened by kappa-maintainer - 23
Animated Textures are broken in Tinkers' Construct Smeltery
#63 opened by Desempregago - 5
CodeChickenLib rendering error with chiselsandbits mod
#64 opened by magcicada - 2
HBM fluid doesn't have a color anymore
#66 opened by viqua - 2
Multiple Texture glitches
#65 opened by viqua - 0
releaseSpriteFramesCache causes ConcurrentModificationException
#84 opened by v1993 - 3
crash when i looked at a bibliocraft framed chest
#85 opened by xemnes - 9
[1.12.2] Conflict with Immersive Engineering. ASM deletes items in the IM Tool Box.
#71 opened by SonicX8000 - 7
Spark profiling not working
#72 opened by freopt - 13
Corail Tombstone Crashes on First World Load
#73 opened by Handeril - 3
1.10.3 doesn't let the game load
#75 opened by brisingraerowing - 2
[1.12.2] Exception in world tick - "recheckGapsGetLowestHeight" - Need help
#74 opened by aking4125 - 2
Client crash
#76 opened by Sereath - 7
4.10.5 crashes Binne's Extra Trees
#77 opened by brisingraerowing - 2
Incompatible with latest Spark
#78 opened by Krutoy242 - 1
[1.12.2] Conflict with Treasure2. Weird stacking issue with Diamonds & Emeralds + A random crash upon startup.
#79 opened by SonicX8000 - 6
Crash with Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod Reloaded
#80 opened by luxvent - 1
Incompatibility with Stackup! and delayItemStackCapabilityInit
#81 opened by wed15 - 3
[4.13 - 1.12.2] Server reporting Duplicates of Loliasm-4.13 when there's only 1 file in the folder
#82 opened by aking4125 - 1
Crash on Main Menu
#86 opened by MasterEnderman - 2
Crash with Techguns / Hatchery with makeEventsSingletons turned on
#87 opened by brisingraerowing - 6
Incompatible screen does not pop-up in time when installed with VanillaFix
#88 opened by ChAoSUnItY - 2
crash - unsure of origin
#89 opened by xemnes - 22
onDemandAnimatedTextures conflict with Optifine
#92 opened by xemnes - 9
[ASM VerifyError] loliasm 5.0 is incompatible with B3M
#90 opened by kappa-maintainer - 2
very early crash on 5.1
#91 opened by xemnes - 4
Would it be possible to fix this minecraft bug?
#93 opened by SonicX8000 - 24
Fix HWYLA's crash when looking at villagers
#94 opened by xemnes - 2
Breaks thaumic augmentation worldgen
#95 opened by freopt - 1
Crash with VanillaFix
#96 opened by Shattered2909 - 6
Mod doesn't work properly with resource loader, leading to animated textures not work
#99 opened by TheNelston - 1
Incompatibility with Vanilla Fix
#100 opened by RodrigoTaipe93