- 3
HOCON configuration support
#127 opened by JonathanBrouwer - 1
ClassCastException, me.lucko.luckperms.sponge.model.SpongeGroup$GroupSubject to me.lucko.luckperms.sponge.model.SpongeGroup
#126 opened by dualspiral - 1
[LP 212] [Sponge] uuid does not have any data loaded
#124 opened by johnfriedrich - 0
API Version 2.17
#123 opened by lucko - 3
OpenAudio Stuck Loading
#122 opened by Clarkcj12 - 0
Error loading HIKARI on bukkit lagacy
#121 opened by Vankka - 1
Error loading plugin
#120 opened by mgflames - 7
Log spam with HikariPool
#119 opened by LemADEC - 6
user.getPermissionValue does not check default user
#118 opened by bloodmc - 2
[Bukkit] NullPointer when adding transient permissions.
#117 opened by sleiss - 2
Import command
#116 opened by TheFrisianClause - 0
Calling getSubjectData().getPermissions(contexts) on group results in NPE
#115 opened by bloodmc - 3
[LP] Permissions data could not be loaded. Please contact an administrator
#114 opened by BytesByBytes - 5
FlatFile formatting improvements.
#113 opened by Zendrex - 5
Track set support
#112 opened by ryall - 1
I have a Question?
#111 opened by wyatt-herkamp - 5
Permissions data load error
#110 opened by RikoDEV - 1
Data consistency with multiple clients
#109 opened by Slind14 - 5
[Sponge] Issue with permission checks on User object upon repeated login
#108 opened by dualspiral - 2
List members of a group
#107 opened by Volander - 11
Vault Suffix retrieval inconsistency
#106 opened by BiGUNMAN - 1
Can't get LuckPermsBungee working
#105 opened by Eufranio - 3
Can't load LuckPermsBungee
#104 opened by Eufranio - 11
Can't run multiple commands again
#102 opened by Sir-Will - 6
Vault & LuckPerms
#101 opened by BiGUNMAN - 4
Reload support
#100 opened by lucko - 0
Permission caching issues
#99 opened by bloodmc - 0
sync command does not support sponge
#98 opened by bloodmc - 5
LagSpikes with GriefPrevention
#97 opened by Slind14 - 1
Setting a permission to undefined does not remove contexts
#96 opened by bloodmc - 0
inGame permission lookup causing EncoderException (String too long)
#95 opened by Slind14 - 4
LuckPerms does not handle group meta inheritance properly, it seems
#94 opened by ryall - 1
PEX Migration doesn't set Prefix / Suffix correctly
#93 opened by HeroCC - 0
PEX Migration fails to import Usernames
#92 opened by HeroCC - 1
Suggestion - Permission Aliases
#91 opened by PiggyPiglet - 6
2-10 Second Lagspikes on Chat with Nucleus
#90 opened by Slind14 - 1
Small misspelling
#89 opened by yannicka - 7
User Login Event following query not async
#87 opened by Slind14 - 2
Performance issues with LP
#86 opened by bloodmc - 9
Delayed permission changes incompatible with some plugins
#85 opened by Sir-Will - 1
Show false/true behind permission nodes for not colored consoles
#84 opened by Sir-Will - 7
Can't change existing permission without removing it first
#83 opened by Sir-Will - 1
set permission command, fallback to true
#82 opened by Slind14 - 12
Reconnect to database
#81 opened by Slind14 - 5
Suggestion: Display permissions with pagination
#80 opened by M9GLiquid - 0
Run all commands through the synchronisation queue - remove /lp queuecommand
#79 opened by LemADEC - 3
Pex migration: rank metas should be transferred to tracks
#78 opened by LemADEC - 17
Data Improvements
#77 opened by popcorn9499 - 1
#76 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 2
Unable to load persisted subjects
#75 opened by BytesByBytes