- 9
Need a way to unregister and unsubscribe.
#1422 opened by Pangamma - 1
Migartion PowerfulPerms
#1421 opened by Arkobat - 2
Multiple prefixes with ChatEx 1.6
#1420 opened by loperd - 1
Redis support as a datastore
#1419 opened by NNorbertPL - 6
/lp applyedits - 404
#1418 opened by artur9010 - 2
Error with Citizens
#1417 opened by BrainRTP - 1
Server Crashing LuckPerms-Bukkit-4.3.87
#1416 opened by CodingLukas - 3
Access Denied for user?
#1415 opened by TechLow - 6
MySQL "No operations allowed after connection closed" error
#1414 opened by akiraic - 2
Problems With Prefix and Group Name label:type:issue
#1413 opened by Nim54321 - 8
Web Editor Error
#1412 opened by PlinioRasch - 1
Issue with bungeecord syncing.
#1411 opened by FishbirdDD - 1
Can't load data
#1410 opened by TheSilentPro - 5
[Feature Request] Migration from UltraPermissions
#1409 opened by CraftSteamG - 5
LuckPerms Bungeecord not working
#1408 opened by draexo - 8
Server is disconnecting people after I add permission to the group
#1407 opened by BestMark - 2
Help with the API
#1406 opened by DeinPlay - 4
Server Randomly Crashes after adding 1 code line
#1405 opened by CodingLukas - 2
LuckPerms won't load on latest bungee
#1404 opened by g0d-gam3 - 15
OP with WorldGuard
#1403 opened by Guest1131 - 2
Fake user not found
#1402 opened by SlimeDog - 3
Argument based command permissions only working for some things
#1401 opened by TomLewis - 2
Blank output in Minecraft chat
#1399 opened by jfernandz - 5
BungeeCord IllegalStateException: No permissions data present for player
#1397 opened by LudnicaKiller - 2
BungeeCord hangs after housekeeper run
#1396 opened by voodootje0 - 1
getPermissionValue returning true when contexts are not all satisfied
#1395 opened by bloodmc - 8
[LP] An unexpected error occurred. Unable to load all groups.
#1394 opened by alessio-b - 5
Perms not saving after being added in Web Permissions editor
#1393 opened by MrBuzzzz - 2
Bungee MySQL Unable to init: UTF8 unknow
#1392 opened by PhysicsAreBad - 5
kick on join mysql connection issue
#1391 opened by mmuziek - 2
SSLException: Unable to download dependencies
#1390 opened by Kracher019 - 12
True/False permission node change
#1388 opened by LogicologistDev - 1
[Feature Request] Editor filter
#1387 opened by DrZoddiak - 0
NodeMutateEvent Error
#1386 opened by OfficialDonut - 10
Server deadlock
#1385 opened by lucko - 13
Add optional time parameter to parent removetemp command
#1384 opened by koca2000 - 7
Server freezes while syncing with BungeeCord
#1383 opened by BestMark - 3
how to stop this spam in my console
#1382 opened by compieter-gh - 3
verbose shooting irrelevant checks for luckperms?
#1381 opened by andrewkm - 3
Shorthand Permissions not registering correctly?
#1380 opened by freak-dk - 5
Vault Chat Priority
#1379 opened by AlbertoCoder97 - 1
Not conforming to the Bukkit Permission API spec
#1378 opened by lucko - 1
Error when player join the server(Nukkit)
#1377 opened by Chlorine17 - 6
Separate database config file
#1376 opened by Silthus - 13
give players a permission based on whether they have a certain permission or not
#1375 opened by runescapejon - 10
Connection error
#1374 opened by DarkFort - 3
MariaDB connection not working
#1373 opened by BugabuseMe - 5
The Undo Update
#1372 opened by aeyu - 2
Question: /lp user <user> info - permission?
#1371 opened by andrewkm - 1
PostSyncEvent doesn't care about a network sync
#1370 opened by robinstiege