- 1
Error in set suffix with MariaDB
#1662 opened by JavituRec - 2
Whats clock leap ?
#1660 opened by TheAberto - 11
Groups aren't being saved.
#1659 opened by zStian - 3
Automatic promotion/demotion based on timeplayed/mcmmo etc.
#1658 opened by Gizmopwns - 10
WorldGuard Region Support
#1657 opened by BoyJamal - 0
meta weight
#1656 opened by AlbusThePenguin - 3
Bulkupdate can't remove permission when user only has 1 permission
#1655 opened by AmazedMender16 - 4
Please add useSSL=false in the mysql8 connection
#1654 opened by kevinlovely - 5
Permission with variable
#1653 opened by chouuul - 3
Context with comma in name not working
#1652 opened by GuusLieben - 12
Spamming in console
#1651 opened by myfbone - 2
Illegal reflective access issue with Java 11 on server start
#1650 opened by axemwa - 1
Illegal Reflective Access Operation
#1649 opened by graysonlee123 - 4
No permissions working on any plugin in any group
#1648 opened by HotdogVanDriver - 1
Possible Feature to be added
#1647 opened by BatteryVoltic - 0
#1646 opened by Zfee - 2
use-server-properties-name not working in 1.14.3
#1645 opened by tjeerdvandijk - 0
Unable to create tables and connect mysql
#1644 opened - 2
Ultra Permissions Migration Support
#1643 opened by tomkimberlin - 2
Prefix glitch with Paper-146
#1642 opened by neyumners - 2
[API] Permission check event
#1641 opened by Sir-Will - 5
Players can't pick up items
#1640 opened by Mightyiest - 3
"X doesn't have data pre-loaded."
#1639 opened by dereklanz517 - 5
Confusing error with MySQL & Redis
#1638 opened by GetJiggyWitIt - 3
nucleus.inventory.keepondeath doesn't work for the nether, how to apply it to the nether and the end?
#1637 opened by Willbound - 2
Placeholders on Sponge server
#1636 opened by NathanBarbet - 1
Server Crash
#1635 opened by jamoeight - 6
Temp permissions keep disappearing randomly
#1634 opened by Sir-Will - 3
Console Error
#1633 opened by mamilicalmir - 1
Server Hanging/Crashing
#1632 opened by Phantum - 2
permission lag on aternos
#1631 opened by cjwijtmans - 1
can you add please ?
#1630 opened by successed - 1
lang.yml parsing error
#1629 opened by RalphORama - 1
Bungeecord Linking
#1628 opened by cameronbowe - 3
- 5
Option to have Sponge style wildcards on other platforms
#1625 opened by BrainStone - 11
Wildcards in sponge
#1624 opened by XakepSDK - 0
Parent groups don't overrule when applied to the user
#1623 opened by Bobcycle - 5
Steal account permissions with xboxlive?
#1622 opened by BOT-Neil - 1
User are not getting Default permissions when joining
#1620 opened by znepb - 4
Permissions data could not be loaded. Please contact an administrator.
#1619 opened by zippyb081203 - 3
Set scope of permission info
#1618 opened by mareksipos93 - 2
Waterfall Errors
#1617 opened by coco0325 - 4
Bad storage method for UUID
#1616 opened by equalent - 5
Player prefixes not showing anymore.
#1615 opened by MsDemonicRaven - 6
Bot attacks vs LP
#1614 opened by Darkweasam - 1
Various PermissionHolder permission lookup methods not following contract
#1613 opened by bloodmc - 6
AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent error with legacy version and online-mode=true
#1612 opened by uiytt - 1
Suggestion - Prefix abbreviations for stacking
#1611 opened by Refrizor - 3
Warps permission not overriding lower false permissions
#1610 opened by Shiunin