- 2
Add a prefix to LuckPerms internal nodes
#656 opened by tomcraft - 5
Preview/undoing of web editor changes
#655 opened by Phoenix616 - 1
Add ability to specify value of permission when adding in editor
#654 opened by Phoenix616 - 1
Web editor for all groups?
#653 opened by LogGits - 2
Quick export to yaml file?
#652 opened by LogGits - 4
Powerful Perms Migration not working
#651 opened by DankPrison - 1
Luckperms 1.12
#650 opened by tyler489 - 4
Error while entering command /lp sync
#649 opened by DarkFort - 5
Dependency injection error caused by PluginClassLoader impl changes
#648 opened by Fader-GumGum - 3
LuckPerms Spams Console with Errors
#647 opened by zachdoug24 - 1
Permission Node to Control Membership of Specific Group
#646 opened by chuushi - 1
Static groups?
#645 opened by ErkSterk - 2
Sql storage rewrite
#644 opened by XakepSDK - 1
Command blocks doesn't work
#643 opened by AnonymousBluejay - 1
Comments on granting privileges or permissions
#642 opened by DarkFort - 1
Chesum check
#641 opened by XakepSDK - 0
Group meta info click commands doesn't work
#639 opened by voodootje0 - 1
[Feature Request] Let the default /lp message be configurable
#638 opened by GiansCode - 4
startup warning plugin using 6.0.0 but Sponge API is 7.0.0
#637 opened by smmmadden - 5
The plugin keeps breaking
#636 opened by Ergenta - 9
issue with /lp <group> editor
#635 opened by firestrife23 - 13
Lower case names
#634 opened by Ergenta - 3
After the update LP chat was broken
#633 opened by DarkFort - 1
Update of Russian translation
#632 opened by DarkFort - 1
Incorrect log display
#631 opened by DarkFort - 2
Issues with Skript
#630 opened by FallingCactus - 4
Editing permissions for non-existent users
#629 opened by DarkFort - 1
Locale Question
#628 opened by Rainbwz - 4
lp user xxx clone xxx not available in Spigot?
#627 opened by smmmadden - 3
Incorrect work OP
#626 opened by DarkFort - 3
Prefixes not displaying correctly
#625 opened by Ezacu - 5
Incorrect log display
#624 opened by DarkFort - 17
Global Groups not transferring cross-server on Bungeecord network.
#623 opened by speddoman - 6
#622 opened by Sclane1 - 1
MongoDB Bulk Updating
#621 opened by dblucc - 1
MongoDB "Legacy UUIDs"
#620 opened by dblucc - 8
Plz add a gui system
#619 opened by JordanWax12 - 1
Assign multiple server names for specific permissions
#618 opened by voodootje0 - 1
I canĀ“t use commando help
#617 opened by shiosakun - 4
#616 opened - 4
mismatch versions
#615 opened by augesrob - 1
MariaDB Connection error
#614 opened by falseresync - 3
Ranks will not appear on every server
#613 opened by iSpoopy - 4
Smart setting for apply-bukkit-child-permissions
#612 opened by BrainStone - 3
Bungee Permissions Issue
#611 opened by GMatrixGames - 0
EssentialsX Spawn
#610 opened by Sikatsu - 2
Demote incorrect placeholders
#609 opened by Sikatsu - 6
NameTagEdit incompatibility?
#608 opened by Sikatsu - 3
PermissionAttachment some times doesn't work
#607 opened by prozhong - 1
Ingame GUI's don't work when LuckPerms is enabled
#606 opened by TheCamoWaffle