- 6
Apply "allowPlayerSchematics true" to player huts, not just decorations
#5426 opened by Techiastronamo - 1
Plantation sugarcane issue
#5432 opened by janisl - 6
builder not finshing builds
#5434 opened by DimsionWalker - 1
Dyer AI error
#5428 opened by MatthiasMann - 7
Delivery man are unable to comply
#5430 opened by Dulap3 - 0
Lumberjack stuck searching for trees
#5431 opened by Dulap3 - 4
Racks lose inventory on build 0.13.62
#5441 opened by MatthiasMann - 23
Crashes with a StackOverflowError - TileEntityColonyBuilding calling TileEntityRack in a recursive loop.
#5443 opened by codingkoi - 2
Crash upon Town Hall placement
#5438 opened by ComradeMaethor - 2
Healer inventory issue
#5439 opened by janisl - 5
Voices slider in Music & Sounds does not affect citizen voices
#5440 opened by Techiastronamo - 1
Lumberjack stops working if leaves are blocking his way
#5451 opened by ffgghhjj - 4
Opening Door only opens second half (block)
#5452 opened by Strohtaler - 4
Lumberjack doesn't do anything
#5457 opened by NascostoClub - 1
Hello, things disappear in my warehouse after I quit the game, but so far I just noticed that every single thing disappears, I now have version 0.13.62-ALPHA-universal
#5458 opened by Epeeckwar - 28
still getting crash on place items 15.2
#5460 opened by tails1974seeyounextgame - 2
[1.15.2] server crash from ServerHangWatchdog
#5463 opened by jarquafelmu - 2
Pathfinding(?) with citizens huts
#5464 opened by Jackman3323 - 2
Smelter AI Error
#5447 opened by MatthiasMann - 2
Weird tree recognition by the Lumberjack
#5450 opened by Dragolance117 - 2
Game crash upon pressing start in the launcher.
#5467 opened by TYRAlan - 1
Crash issue please help
#5468 opened by TYRAlan - 2
Farmer keeps asking to define seeds in scarecrow
#5465 opened by ffgghhjj - 7
Town Hall Medieval Oak ( up to 2 level)
#5466 opened by DartVeiper - 4
The baker cannot make bread
#5471 opened by q107580018 - 1
messageColonistDead error
#5472 opened - 0
Asian chicken farm not working
#5473 opened by perecnicek - 3
Only one chunk loads
#5474 opened by cvialar - 1
Ranger accidentally walked into lava, crashing the game
#5470 opened by SurfShackTito - 1
Using Twitch Launcher pulls up regular minecraft rather than the modpack
#5480 opened by Ahshed - 10
villagers complain about "AI" errors
#5477 opened by boneskull - 1
Like 5419, Crusher breaks request system
#5484 opened by kd5crs - 2
Decoration controller not saving data
#5486 opened by bizarremonkey1 - 3
Miner blocked by cobblestone
#5483 opened by kd5crs - 1
My AI has run to issue...
#5491 opened by perecnicek - 2
[1.15.2] Crash to desktop when trying to open build menu or accept build position
#5492 opened by Drethic - 1
[1.15.2] Crash when accessing chest with build tool in hand
#5493 opened by Drethic - 1
Russian text builder GUI crawls out of scope
#5488 opened by FireGuyVT - 2
[0.13.86-ALPHA] mouseClicked crash on setting up supply camp
#5489 opened by jarquafelmu - 1
Server crash as the colony gets raided
#5499 opened by nicoo1708 - 0
Server crashes/ we get kicked from the server as the colony gets raided
#5500 opened by nicoo1708 - 3
Ai teleporting on roofes or into lava
#5496 opened by KarmaCoraa - 0
[1.15.2] Crash when accessing Dyer Colonist GUI when no fuel is selected in Dyer Block
#5498 opened by Dyonovan - 2
Occasional crash when right-clicking the Lumberjack colonist
#5503 opened by WenXin20 - 1
memory leak?
#5509 opened by igoldarm - 2
Not going away
#5510 opened by Feralsoul - 1
AI issue
#5511 opened by nebc - 1
Chicken Herder not killing chickens
#5512 opened by Reidlos65 - 11
Icons and Textures [bug]
#5507 opened by xXLightAngelXx - 1
How to See the Outline of a Building
#5508 opened by aditk3