- 1
AI error on Dman. The given token is not registered as a request to this manager (0.13.14)
#5331 opened by patgoull - 1
Crash on world loading (Ticking Entity)
#5332 opened by 3x1at1on - 21
Delivery guy and Builder, circle logic loop
#5333 opened by roadblockx - 0
download the newest .14
#5334 opened by roadblockx - 1
Builder requests -25 Dirt
#5335 opened by MatthiasMann - 11
Minecolonies-0.13.14-ALPHA-api.jar shows up as NOT a valid jar file!
#5336 opened by roadblockx - 1
Miner gets stuck after digging and before placing torch
#5339 opened by Mekle001 - 3
Waterlogged racks and construction tape
#5328 opened by ravenbuilder934 - 4
Crashing when interacting with builder
#5329 opened by SheepyBuckett - 3
Crash on trying to use clipboard
#5347 opened by adveres - 2
Builder places none to at most single digits worth of blocks before going to get more.
#5350 opened by jt1399 - 4
Crafters using the new Tag system sometimes don't honor the tags the way you'd expect..
#5340 opened by Mekle001 - 1
Fisherman bugged! Fisherman forgot how to reel in fish! :O
#5341 opened by Dragolance117 - 12
Server crash when a player try to join
#5346 opened by bloodyraoul - 5
Enchantment Glint Crash on Login
#5356 opened by Divineaspect - 1
Suggestion: Tavern Doesn't Count For Creating Children
#5357 opened by MaxAstro - 5
Builders, delivery, lumberjack, miner displayed error and are now no longer working
#5358 opened by CaptainMorganX5 - 0
Delivery Man Not Fulfilling Crafting Request For Builder
#5351 opened by MaxAstro - 3
Crash to desktop when knight dies
#5353 opened by NilsMoller - 2
Workers working but not crafting anything
#5354 opened by lebanni - 5
Guard tower lvl 10 or 12 needed for research
#5361 opened by nightwing367 - 3
Mod Version 1.16.1
#5359 opened by Romaindu35 - 3
Scheduling Medieval Spruce Walls (Gate 3) Error
#5362 opened by wog890 - 6
Miner gets stuck needing cobblestone and doesn't request it.
#5365 opened by Mekle001 - 0
JsonSyntaxException: duplicate key: block.minecolonies.blockhutbeekeeper
#5366 opened by Strohtaler - 11
When a builder repairs, rails get placed wrong
#5367 opened by cinnamennen - 2
Not really a bug but a compatibility issue
#5377 opened by Consumerx54 - 0
Concrete Mixer doesn't deliver Concrete Powder on request
#5378 opened by Mekle001 - 2
Shepard can shear baby sheeps
#5379 opened by ToMe25 - 3
1.15.2 M?anie K. Haddock Render Crash
#5369 opened by McKitten - 2
Sick guards keep running around and the healer is chasing them all over town
#5372 opened by MatthiasMann - 1
Server Pack
#5389 opened by Endergamer20011 - 4
permissions confusion
#5381 opened by LuckyFalkor - 2
Can't rotate when placing a building/decoration near another building/decoration.
#5382 opened by jelaw21 - 2
Builder won't complete buildings with item frames
#5384 opened by Preselier - 2
Raiders are missing, Raid won't end
#5390 opened by ffgghhjj - 43
Builder thinks he will get more items delivered than requested from crafter
#5395 opened by MatthiasMann - 9
Colonist pathing issue
#5404 opened by catrina339 - 6
Acacia University Level 3 never finishes
#5405 opened by kd5crs - 3
Colony 1 has a very big memory imprint, this could be a memory leak
#5408 opened by Tbear1825 - 1
Food being stored willy nilly
#5400 opened by Mizque - 1
Tavern2 Update issues
#5401 opened by MineShadow7 - 0
Guard AI error
#5402 opened by MatthiasMann - 1
Prison for Citizens
#5403 opened by hypersmc - 7
console spam
#5409 opened by OhhHarrods - 2
Recruited citizens (from tavern2) can't sleep in a citizenhut
#5410 opened by MatthiasMann - 4
stash sometimes glitches and delivery people no longer take from it.
#5417 opened by LuckyFalkor - 1
Crusher not working and breaks the Request/Delivery System
#5419 opened by MerlinplaysGames - 5
Warehouse Racks are twitching/not recognised
#5420 opened by MerlinplaysGames - 1
Fortress Town Hall Level 1 not being finished
#5422 opened by Fireisle