![MCA Reborn [Fabric/Forge]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/1008/780/256/256/638531792918357805.jpg)
- 2
Can't open the blueprint
#572 opened by Deserto0 - 1
player and villagers skin not showing
#573 opened by FahadDC - 0
Villagers get on create trains and visit each other
#592 opened by gittibene - 1
what does the Family tree book exactly do?
#593 opened by BoyManDuck - 2
[Suggestions] EFM Model Support
#575 opened by slave2midna - 3
homosexuality and bisexuality are compatible
#576 opened by macarango - 1
Villagers skin and personality not showing
#577 opened by Deserto0 - 1
#578 opened by zinsser901224 - 0
destinySpawnLocations should be server side
#579 opened by Luke100000 - 0
[Suggestion] Blueprints locked to Player/Village
#580 opened by slave2midna - 1
'PercentageOfVanillaVillages' doesn't work
#581 opened by riesaexe - 6
Possible Compatibility Error, not sure with what.
#582 opened by APrimevalWorld - 0
Graveyards and co with minimum count
#583 opened by Luke100000 - 0
Sethome won't set village
#584 opened by Luke100000 - 0
High Max Age
#585 opened by Luke100000 - 1
More accurate village home sync
#586 opened by Luke100000 - 0
Armourer's Workshop
#589 opened by Luke100000 - 2
Texture dislocation about leggings&boots
#587 opened by InkSsskeleton - 0
MCA Bug List
#588 opened by APrimevalWorld - 0
Potential mod incompatibility when Telling Story
#590 opened by RobAllen0 - 4
After the update, villagers will not spawn in villages
#594 opened by AxeDark13 - 3
Texture Map/Generator
#595 opened by firemaster1294 - 1
Config for mca villager spawns + vanilla villager spawns?
#596 opened by n0valey - 1
Villagers - Blueprint
#597 opened by FridaysGirl2001 - 2
Bug when entering the world
#598 opened by VirusSavion - 7
Many bugs associated with character creation and village generation
#599 opened by SimplyTadpole - 9
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "" because "e" is null & field_6002
#601 opened by RealxRancor - 1
bug with zombies
#602 opened by robtbs - 4
Player Genetics Fail
#603 opened by VeriaArt - 1
IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
#612 opened by ereese99 - 0
Error sneakythrows when trying to talk to a villager and small appear
#613 opened by LycanrockZ - 1
[Fabric 1.19.2] Server timeout Crash
#614 opened by grundyboy34 - 2
Villagers don't use Handcrafted's fancy beds
#605 opened by TheSnugget - 3
Beds not being read
#606 opened by whosmaelo - 0
Breasts are not actually attached to body
#607 opened by Johni0702 - 1
Attempting to Spawn an Entity Male Zombie Villager crashes the game
#608 opened by 3Monika4 - 1
Crash 7.4.7+1.19.2
#609 opened by Luke100000 - 2
Not a Bug Really - A villager accidentally got killed.
#610 opened by tevrenos - 1
I can't reach the rank of king
#620 opened by zeoo01 - 3
I can't reach the rank of king (edit)
#623 opened by zeoo01 - 1
Bug on start MCA in 1.19.4
#615 opened by PhoenixGhost141 - 1
[Fabric 1.19.2] Server timeout Crash
#616 opened by DPZSoul1 - 1
API/IMC Event for custom Trading Screen
#617 opened by dantaeusb - 2
[Fabric 1.19.2] Zombies look like player
#618 opened by EnterUsernameHereNow - 1
[Fabric 1.19.2] Crash with Vivecraft when opening inventory
#619 opened by pikaro - 1
Request: Config option to disable MCA villagers to spawn golems
#628 opened by pantsguyapp - 1
Villagers not detecting beds past Y=200
#624 opened by Azu124 - 0
Ugh, more interactions with vanilla items like totems, I guess?
#625 opened by Demandro - 7
Spawning thousands of explorers in unloaded tavern?
#626 opened by mcjojo3 - 2
My minecraft looks all white and black.
#627 opened by Blu3B3rri