- 4
[need more information] Sometimes server sends columns/cubes in the wrong order, causing client chunk corruption
#428 opened by Barteks2x - 1
Crash without mods
#430 opened by olegikoligik - 3
Crash Report - Cubic Chunks and Dynamic Stealth
#433 opened by Xorbah - 4
1.12.2 Crashes on Startup
#434 opened by 2tsuru - 8
Aether 2
#436 opened by Sephiroth91 - 2
Too old forge version
#437 opened by WillH2 - 3
Crash with Sledgehammer mod
#438 opened by Xorbah - 1
Kettle (Paper + Forge) compatibility
#439 opened by DarkoGNU - 4
Mo'Creatures won't spawn and snow doesn't generate
#441 opened by wiqg - 2
Massive light leaks underground when used with shaders such as PTGI and Molly RT
#443 opened by pressRtowin - 8
Incompatibility with phosphor
#444 opened by border999 - 12
Project Red compatibility
#446 opened by Sephiroth91 - 2
Thuts Elevator
#447 opened by Sephiroth91 - 74
[1.12.2] Compatibility reports
#448 opened by Barteks2x - 2
Dynamic trees dont spawn when using Custom Cubic world generation setting
#450 opened by NikTink - 3
world gen lockup
#449 opened by SturdyFool10 - 2
Some multiblock structures break
#367 opened by MrLightningBlaze - 2
'Just a Few Fish' mod locks up Minecraft and lags computer
#369 opened by jgrimes900 - 2
Mod compatibility events
#368 opened by Barteks2x - 2
Crash on World Load with Natura
#376 opened by oliverrook - 1
Freeze after World Generation is Finished
#373 opened by Rongmario - 5
AE2 Spatial Dimension Generation Crash
#374 opened by Rongmario - 3
Crash with Dynamic Surroundings
#375 opened by Rongmario - 4
Crash with journeymap
#377 opened by Kabaril - 2
Thaumcraft Vis
#378 opened by Velken - 3
Server worldgen broken in build 853
#379 opened by Aang23 - 2
Crash when clicking "Customize" on Custom Cubic world setting
#380 opened by ProxyPlayerHD - 3
Starting Minecraft with Mod in mods folder crashed before forge loads
#383 opened by GalHorowitz - 2
Sponge Server initializing error
#384 opened by min20120907 - 2
Incompatibility with Stellar Sky
#385 opened by asiekierka - 9
Potential incompatibility with Dynamic Surroundings
#386 opened by asiekierka - 2
#388 opened by mcDandy - 1
Galacticraft rockets crash when going above vanilla block limit
#394 opened by seancrain - 15
cannot compile mod
#402 opened by ProxyPlayerHD - 5
Optimized path navigator may cause server freeze when pushing entities through nether portal
#403 opened by Barteks2x - 1
Just Enough Dimensions compatibility
#406 opened by Barteks2x - 1
Crash with primitive mobs
#407 opened by Yoosk - 0
Dropped item entities occasionally turn invisible
#409 opened by 71M073J - 2
Known compatibility with out-of-engine voxel render engines (e.g. chunkyrenderer)
#410 opened by diclophis - 1
Server worlds on fire - idle server world ticking is wrong
#411 opened by Barteks2x - 3
forestry_1.12.2- locks up world gen CubicChunks-1.12.2-0.0.902.0-SNAPSHOT-all
#412 opened by border999 - 19
Lockup report
#413 opened by border999 - 3
Ae2 meteor causing worldgen lockup. (Known issue)
#414 opened by Redd56 - 0
typos in configs
#415 opened by 1971chevycamaro - 1
hypothesis to get around world gen lockup. (at least initially)
#417 opened by border999 - 3
Server crashes when loading world from symlink
#418 opened by Qwanve - 3
compatibility with Just Enough ID's
#420 opened by border999 - 2
Entities utilizing PathNavigateGround to move not moving at Y=-1000
#421 opened by Foghrye4 - 0
Problem using Eye of Ender
#425 opened by MineCrak - 5
pistons dont work right period
#426 opened by Redd56