- 3
Crash on pressing "Options" button
#88 opened by vinnyg0621 - 2
Issues rendering skins
#89 opened by TheGaryDoesSales - 1
Wont Load in players
#90 opened by Stargone28 - 7
Conflict with Blur mod
#91 opened by Romz24 - 0
Charm mod incompatibility [1.16.3]
#92 opened by jbredwards - 1
Freezes during the initial loading 1.16.4
#93 opened by Appollyx - 4
- 0
Crash astromine-discoveries
#96 opened by Miros77 - 0
Crash 'allure'
#97 opened by Miros77 - 10
1.16.3 crashes with every version of Optifabrick
#101 opened by Glitchtrap4461 - 4
version 0.7.1 for 1.14.4 crashes when there is entity in the world, OptiFine_1.14.4_HD_U_F5
#98 opened by anaizy31 - 1
litematica wont render correctly
#99 opened by rekkep - 1
Chrash @ Startup
#100 opened by Timtendo12 - 2
Not compatible with newest 1.16.2 OPTIFINE
#102 opened by TooManyArial - 1
[1.8.7 / 1.16.4_HD_U_G5] Crash when trying to break AE2 cables
#103 opened by yorii - 1
Colormap issue with fabric api
#104 opened by Smognoggler - 2
[1.8.9] ME Chest also crashing
#106 opened by yorii - 4
Shaders are not compatible with Satin Warning: I don't have Satin installed.
#107 opened by AzureMonument - 3
issue with version 1.16.4
#108 opened by DeenyBoi - 3
[1.8.10 + 1.16.4 HD U G5] Edge case crash with connected textures.
#109 opened by yorii - 0
1.16.4 optifine not loading
#110 opened by ItzBored - 1
Game Crashes right before world/server loads in 1.16.2
#111 opened by AwesomeBilly3 - 1
Incompatibility with Architectury
#112 opened by Toseflo - 2
issue with 1.16.4 minecraft
#113 opened by AFQSYKR - 7
Conflicting with Sodium
#114 opened by TheSexyYeti - 1
Optifabric + OptiFine_1.16.4_HD_U_G5 causes a crash
#115 opened by celsiusqc - 4
OpenGL error when going through nether portal cause crash
#116 opened by Tasty213 - 11
There was an error loading OptiFabric!
#117 opened by jaapjan13 - 4
game crashed
#118 opened by Produktecheck - 6
OptiFabric crashes in Dev Environment 1.16.4
#119 opened by FlorianMichael - 6
Problem with water in 1.16.3
#120 opened by NiyahVE - 5
OptiFine forces all leaf blocks to use the vanilla foliage colors
#121 opened by coderbot16 - 3
Translucent Blocks are glitched
#122 opened by Saberconn - 1
Game keeps crashing.
#125 opened by Tui-Vao - 1
1.15.2 Optifine Updated to G5, not G1 pre30
#123 opened by acaciachan - 1
1.16.4 Optifabric crashing when entering nether.
#124 opened by Arsentro - 1
1.16.4 Game Crash on Startup
#128 opened by Zanteri - 3
Shaders cause the game to crash (1.16.3)
#129 opened by MrMeowOfficial - 1
REI rendering cells crash
#126 opened by superon - 3
Divide by zero error taking screenshots on G6_pre3
#127 opened by IMS212 - 6
Crashes on boot with Latest Fabric API
#133 opened by Apprisco - 1
Conflicts with shedaniel's Light Overlay mod
#134 opened by Hebgbs - 3
[Boot Crash] Incompatibility with Fabric API (1.16.4)
#130 opened by SylisMC - 0
Game crashing while loading world
#131 opened by cacaman201 - 3
Incompatible with mods utilizing the Fabric Rendering API
#132 opened by Jarfeh - 1
OptiFabric is not compatible with Fabric API 0.29.x.
#137 opened by SchwarzerWal - 2
So recently I have downloaded fabric but I have left it because of optifabric..
#135 opened by southallarcher - 3
When using shaders, Euclid WorldEdit selected block will not show
#138 opened by SnooComics9452 - 2
Optifine 1.16.4 G6 pre9, pre10 incompatible with FabricAPI 0.28.4
#139 opened by satwik9aari - 1
Fabric Optifine/optifabric Not working 1.16.4
#140 opened by OfficialRedDot