- 1
Falied to load Optifabric
#297 opened by ironcrack - 3
Optifabric conflicts with Sodium
#298 opened by Dino730 - 2
Optifabric conflicts with Lithium
#299 opened by ExecuteOrd66 - 1
Incompatible with voicechat
#303 opened by dbrighthd - 2
another failed to load optifabric
#301 opened by alarmedknight20 - 9
Incompatible with Minecraft 1.17.1 releases
#304 opened by Terminal-Access - 1
Failed to load oftifabric
#307 opened by Smicc - 1
Error optifabric
#308 opened by renz99999 - 2
Crash using 1.11.17 OptiFabric & ReplayMod
#309 opened by AllOutJay - 1
Optifabric & Origins Error
#310 opened by ttltrashmammal - 2
optifabric issue code
#311 opened by RedemptionArk - 3
Incompatible with 1.17 dev build of WorldEditCUI
#312 opened by Drift91 - 1
Optifine can't be loaded in Minecraft 1.17.1
#306 opened by Takkun053 - 1
Entities and mobs going black
#314 opened by rudoszka - 4
Origins conflicts optifabric
#315 opened by fleefer - 1
Failed to remap jar
#313 opened by pisekpiskovec - 1
Blur mod incompatibility
#317 opened by RealRTTV - 1
It doesnt have at th version of 1.17 just for 1.17.1
#318 opened by HsLaranjinho - 4
There was an error loading Optifabric
#316 opened by Neko32411 - 1
Optifine doesn't load on Manjaro Linux, but does on Windows 10.
#319 opened by lolman9998 - 1
#320 opened by tmddn3070 - 1
Error Loading Optifine
#322 opened by JSaldana01 - 0
minecraft crash bcz of optifabric
#321 opened by FXNEX001 - 0
Failed to remap jar - fabric 1.17.1
#324 opened by josevictoremiliano - 2
There was an error loading OptiFabric!
#323 opened by HsLaranjinho - 1
Mobs and players become invisible (you will see only the armor on players)
#326 opened by yaimgod - 0
Unexpected error
#325 opened by The1CheesyNacho - 0
Crashed With ReplayMod
#327 opened by GBrayJ - 4
OptiFabric failed to load despite using the 1.17.x version
#328 opened by Potato22 - 1
Getting a Spongepowered crash even though I don't have anything forge related installed?
#330 opened by zderApfel - 0
Conflicting with origins, empty clause?
#332 opened by LAMMAZ222 - 0
Incompatible to Iris Shaders
#331 opened by DaRealOctopus - 1
OptiFabric Breaking Textures
#335 opened by MegaloLapis - 2
Optifabric crashes 1.17
#333 opened by Kaiiserr - 1
Me and the boys waiting for the ForgedFabric
#334 opened by X3TV - 0
Failed to load OptiFine
#337 opened by Ultra119 - 4
origins conflicts with {optifabric @ [<=1.11.18]} Creating Empty clause ?
#336 opened by VRDork - 3
failed to load optifine
#338 opened by MaserPlay - 2
"For Mod Devs" out of date
#339 opened by haubna - 3
Crashed with pre33
#340 opened by dbrighthd - 1
Optifabric 1.17.1 and carpet incompatibility
#341 opened by ItsYusei99 - 7
1.17 release version doesn't work with fabric API
#342 opened by Doughy11 - 0
OptiFabric Crashes 1.17.1 when BlackPowder mod is installed
#343 opened by PuppetMasterZee - 2
Crashes with the cullparticles mod
#344 opened by dbrighthd - 1
1.17.1 Connected Textures not working
#345 opened by thetrueunrealist - 2
Crash on 1.17.1
#348 opened by Zano1999 - 3
error loading optifabrick
#349 opened by givemevodka9ix - 3
7803 loop error's
#350 opened by morottao - 1
OptiFabric Conflicts with Sodium when launching.
#351 opened by sofiasean560 - 0
Optifabric + PureBDcraft crashes Java when looking at a conduit.
#352 opened by The-HAX0R-31337