- 0
Out of date?
#1173 opened by PolarisXLL - 0
Portal Chunk Loaders broken in 1.20.1 at least.
#1174 opened by tronas1 - 7
help me
#1175 opened by fatihdemirag16 - 1
minecraft optifabric tet error
#1161 opened by aryanshere946 - 1
crash exit code 1
#1162 opened by testingcodeaplex - 0
#1163 opened by lanternlit - 3
Glass Textures are fliped horizonally
#1164 opened by GalaxyThePanda - 0
1.20.1 Crash whenever a world is loaded.
#1165 opened by JumprIsAlreadyInUse - 1
The mod just straight up doesnt work
#1166 opened by akirE0 - 3
Game not loading
#1167 opened by IDislikeUsernames-github - 1
Crash upon launch.
#1168 opened by Ugiux - 2
Broken Text
#1169 opened by FeelsWasTaken - 5
Stuck on loading screen
#1170 opened by SaintsSam - 1
Fabric 1.20.1 crashes on launch if Optifabric and Replay Mod are both in the game.
#1171 opened by RubixGame - 5
optifabric for 1.20.1 has a bunch of 000000000 with Optifine.
#1172 opened by DestructiveBurn - 3
1.16.5 crash
#1199 opened by TheEd31 - 2
Issues using optifabric/optifine with mods
#1198 opened by noahpugz - 2
optifabric incompatibility with Bewitchement mod
#1200 opened by Bfungame - 0
I'm stuck on this screen
#1176 opened by CedrikBOI - 1
if you put optifine, optifabric, malilib and fabric API together, the text of the whole game becomes 口.
#1177 opened by uraniumuin - 4
Fabric loom not importing package (discord and GitHub banned hence doing it here to hope it’s passed on)
#1178 opened by Danjhop4 - 3
im attempting to put optifine paired w/ essential mod fabric, using this and it doesnt work.
#1180 opened by howshyper - 1
arresto anomalo per colpa di optifabric
#1181 opened by xfraxyt - 1
It doesn't work for 1.19.2, but only 1.19.4
#1188 opened by Retroless - 0
"There was an error loading OptiFabric"
#1182 opened by Ndobss - 0
#1183 opened by Kulon2 - 0
Failed to load OptiFabric on Feather
#1184 opened by drinksoju - 1
i think its 1.19.2 anyone else having this problem try 1.19.4
#1185 opened by imjeb - 0
this is my problem
#1186 opened by igotekg - 0
There was an error loading OptiFabric error
#1187 opened by TheEnderDragon22 - 3
Optifabric and Optifine + Fabric API = Crash
#1189 opened by hiihavenolife - 2
Crash: Error Code 1 on Launch
#1191 opened by njwong-cmu - 1
Optifabric+ optifine mc v1.16.5 fabric loader 0.14.12
#1190 opened by masoomshado - 1
1.16.5 optifine bug
#1192 opened by Magum1 - 4
1.20.1 Text is squares
#1193 opened by EnusaC - 3
1.18.2 failed to remap jar
#1194 opened by jarekvr1 - 2
Optifabric 1.20 crashing when using origins!
#1195 opened by lanternlit - 1
no fonts, no sounds, and no worlds*
#1196 opened by ArduinoFan0 - 3
1.20.1 - game crashes when optifabric is in "mods" folder
#1197 opened by Wheat-guy - 3
Origins Mod Isn't Compatible With Optifine @Chocohead can u just send me the jar mod in reply
#1209 opened by TraderTheWolf - 0
1.20.1 Not loading with installed optifabric
#1202 opened by xPhantoMTVx - 0
this animation won't happen
#1203 opened by Angryfishdonut - 4
Optifabric not working for 1.20.1
#1204 opened by DrDinosaur28 - 2
1.20.1 Won't Start with OptiFabric
#1205 opened by RowanAsterCode - 1
text not functional when optifabric installed
#1206 opened by Moincrap - 2
Optifabric 1.20 dosnt work with Iceberg & tooltipfix
#1207 opened by Incompetenttwat - 0
Custom Item Models not working
#1208 opened by Runner-Mc - 2
Does not work with create
#1210 opened by vtf6259 - 3
Minecraft stuck on the mojang screen because of texture packs
#1211 opened by ZERO1234-hub - 1
optifabric doesnt work with 1.16.1 optifabric 1.10.2
#1212 opened by theproer