- 1
Conflict with Quark
#111 opened by Zygus42 - 2
Server Startup Errors - Forge 1.12.2 (2795)
#112 opened by smmmadden - 3
Blazing Orchid missing from the Directory of Plants.
#113 opened by kevinkjt2000 - 2
[Bug] Stairs shadow glitch
#114 opened by faultycore - 1
Plantballs Copying Plants at the Highest Y-Level
#115 opened by KAfable - 0
Crystal leaves flicker on fast graphics
#116 opened by superfluke - 0
Slabs have the same fuel value as planks
#117 opened by WarlordWossman - 1
Volunteer to do some wiki work
#118 opened by sealchan1 - 1
[IDEA] Better Foliage Compatibility
#119 opened by Zack7292 - 3
[1.12.2] [Bug] Certain textures contain permanently shaded areas.
#120 opened by ExtraBodybuilder - 1
[Suggestion][Request][1.12.2] Add aqua plants similar to kelp
#121 opened by Joccob - 0
Dynamic trees intergration
#122 opened by 000THEALPHA000 - 1
This mod crashes my game,idk why,i'll post the log here.
#123 opened by NMihnea - 0
Crystal structures have no physics,
#124 opened by Redd56 - 0
Placed Incense Cedar Leaves despawn after game startup
#125 opened by sealchan1 - 0
1.16.5 request
#126 opened by WilliamBlaze - 0
[Request] Compatibility for Inspirations bookshelves
#74 opened by NotAVerb - 2
[1.12.2] Double plant not place on ground
#75 opened by KorDum - 1
#77 opened by NotAVerb - 3
Runtime Exception: Invalid id 256 - maximum id range exceeded
#78 opened by Lightkeks - 1
[Request] Renewable fabric plants
#79 opened - 0
Cataplant generates when disabled
#80 opened by codetaylor - 7
Server crash at startup
#81 opened by AdaraChristine - 4
Thermal Foundation issue
#82 opened by Akitori - 0
[1.12.2] Confused saplings
#83 opened by KorDum - 1
Excalibur Crash
#84 opened by FallenEagle1 - 1
Crash to desktop when swinging excalibur
#85 opened by Alphanos - 0
Wood item variants for trees added by this mod
#87 opened by Demonox - 9
Mod compatibility with chisels and bits
#88 opened by Demonox - 1
[Request] Adding Biome Colour Support (maybe Optifine)
#89 opened by Skaphegor - 2
[1.12.2] Blackslist did not work
#90 opened by Skaphegor - 1
Cryptic Block IDs
#86 opened by difquin - 1
tree shape variants
#91 opened by 0Navis0 - 0
Transparent slabs
#92 opened by Syer10 - 1
[Idea] Crystal Torches
#93 opened by AggressivePear - 1
Growing not using Forge's onCropsGrow hooks, breaking compatibility with other mods
#94 opened by Stormwind99 - 2
Disabling Wild Cotton
#96 opened by chland - 1
Plants generate with snowlayer on Top
#97 opened by ben-mkiv - 6
Plants not machine harvest-able.
#98 opened by Yamza - 1
Compatability with Rannuncarpus(Botania)
#99 opened by Yamza - 1
Having some crashes with BOP on newest Version
#100 opened by TheRealDadbeard - 1
Crystal Forest config option
#103 opened by dancc7t - 4
Cascading world lag while someone was in a Crystal Forest(and just flying around) and then crash while breaking block with better builders wand
#102 opened by TheRealDadbeard - 0
Opaque Passable Leaves
#104 opened by whichonespink44 - 1
Does the cotton collected form Wild Cotton serve a purpose?
#105 opened by mimsmere3 - 0
Another decorative plant [idea]: Pigface (Carpobrotus)
#106 opened by loudwhitenoise - 2
[In-game bug] While exploring end's dimension, possible sound effect, or soundtrack bug involving plants2
#107 opened by alxcool - 2
Exception in server tick loop
#108 opened by shanebirley - 1
Might want to investigate this
#109 opened by Sunconure11 - 1
Plantballs give a fully grown Pineapple Plant instead of copying a newly planted crop
#110 opened by KAfable