- 0
Suggestion: Mod Filter
#132 opened by EctoOne - 2
Suggestion: Cross Compatibility with ae2 and/or refined Storage
#133 opened by FrostCreeper07 - 1
[suggestion] Maven support
#134 opened by MajorTuvok - 2
crash: Ticking block entity java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; MC 1.12.2, SSN 1.6.2, forge
#135 opened by majijn - 1
1.12.2 forge 2815 visual inventory dupe and server global inv hotmess
#136 opened by captcookie - 0
Insert Items to SSN Without Connecting Every Chest Box
#137 opened by edisoncks - 2
Crafting recipes that use planks
#139 opened by kragnoth - 3
trying to pick up a searched for renamed item, picks up the first available item of that type.
#140 opened by majijn - 15
Storage Request Table Kicks Me Out
#141 opened by okyloky9 - 1
Processing Controller Tooltip is not localized
#142 opened by Darkosto - 3
Chest movers get voided on a full inventory
#143 opened by Elrol - 1
Unexpected crash when loading an old world
#145 opened by ZRunner - 1
UI background Request
#146 opened by Norsered - 4
Server stalling
#147 opened by ApolloMCC - 2
Export/Import cable filter needs NBT/Metadata match function - suggestion
#151 opened by shikyo13 - 1
[Suggestion]: Automation: crafting, smelting, and placing and breaking
#152 opened by kohlth - 3
Rotation of Cables
#148 opened by LezChap - 10
Stock upgrade not working??
#149 opened by kohlth - 3
Question on suggestions?
#150 opened by kohlth - 2
Suggestion: Have Import Cables default to Blacklist
#156 opened by LezChap - 2
Unable to open UI
#157 opened by XBoulder - 2
Crash when rotating cable with Crescent Hammer.
#158 opened by Jamjardavies - 2
Servercrash by shiftclicking upgrades into importcable
#153 opened by VoxelVixen - 3
Collision AABB's are off..
#154 opened by LezChap - 4
Item loss bug when using the request table.
#155 opened by Darkhax - 1
Storage Link Cable filter import does not read from Charset Barrels
#160 opened by Sixdd6 - 3
Storage Link Cable import filter slots are not mapped correctly
#161 opened by Sixdd6 - 0
[suggestion] wireless things, expensive remotes, and stuff
#162 opened by kohlth - 2
When taking things from other storage systems, it will not decrease in other systems.
#159 opened by KuroPeach - 1
Crash When Clicking Storage Request Table
#164 opened by marikc0 - 2
Walkthrough cables
#163 opened by theawfullwaffle - 1
Blacklist in config doesn't work
#166 opened by Yorkforce - 3
Unable to connect to CompactStorage
#167 opened by robertstepp - 1
[Enhancement] Add a config option to make the Master / Network require Forge Energy to work
#165 opened by Insane96 - 7
#171 opened by noobanidus - 0
[Suggestion] Highlight what's missing
#168 opened by DeciTM - 3
Duplication with Storage remotes
#169 opened by dreeadnought - 1
Crafting grid problem
#170 opened by washinoboku - 4
Storage Request Table does not remember the state of JEI search toggle
#172 opened by curiosity-a - 3
Issue with Storage Drawers compacting drawers
#173 opened by Tuchevery - 1
Facades - Request
#174 opened by Caldico - 2
Interaction between SSN and Cyclic is allowing duping of items
#175 opened by JackRuby1 - 3
Storage Export Cable exports cocoa beans instead of lapis lazuli
#176 opened by malaclypse2 - 4
Storage Request Table
#177 opened by ConcernedLoli - 5
[Bug] Items spreading over multiple storage links while storage not at full capacity
#178 opened by stijndp - 13
Storage Request Table messes up inventory order
#179 opened by bytebone - 5
Cable Hitboxes
#180 opened by OakLaptop - 2
1.5.4 priority was reversed on storage link cable
#125 opened by frog9394 - 2
Duplication bug with exu2
#126 opened by Pival81 - 4
Duplication Bug When Used With Real Filing Cabinet
#127 opened by remclave