- 4
[❓]: Mod loading error has occurred
#1041 opened by sunduk-01 - 2
[🐞]: Doesn't work on Quilt 1.19.2
#1042 opened by retropele - 1
Crash during game startup [🐞]:
#1048 opened by Matze997 - 1
[🐞]: 'moonlight'!'supplementaries'!
#1049 opened by zc1108aaa - 16
[🐞]: Not compatible with Cobblemon 1.5
#1044 opened by ZzamZ - 6
[🐞]: Faucet connected to beehive cause crush loop
#1045 opened by zhookevil - 2
[🐞]: Conflict with Flan 1.20.1-1.10.0
#1046 opened by farlydapamanis - 2
[🐞]: End Crystal doesn't give enchanting power on a pedestal
#1047 opened by flifloo - 3
[🐞]: Incompatibility with Cobblemon's 1.5 Update
#1050 opened by Natetromino - 3
[🐞]: flan updates their permission and requires partial updates that rely on this, otherwise some functionality will fail or even crash
#1051 opened by ASHISK404 - 0
[🐞]: Flags get Missing Texture when used with banner patterns from other mods
#1052 opened by Purrple101 - 0
[🐞]: Prismarine Rods Can't Be Placed In The Same Block Like Sticks And Blaze Rods
#1054 opened by YamBaron - 1
[🐞]: Colored dye incompatible with blackboard GUI
#1055 opened by CleverBalloon - 2
[❓]: I can't create a world on my build with the Supplematerials mod.
#1066 opened by MazTankaz - 2
[❓]: What is the stuff function used for in
#1056 opened by moonleay - 0
[🐞]: 1.18.2 Duplicate Sign and Slab Recipes
#1057 opened by fengshuo2004 - 1
Framed Blocks integration
#1067 opened by AtomToast - 3
[🐞]: Rendering error with Bewitchment, Terraform API, and Supplementaries involving the chests from Bewitchment
#1058 opened by Sunconure11 - 0
[🐞]: Enderman Head rendering crash on Fabric
#1060 opened by Partonetrain - 0
[🐞]: Crash caused by "Enderman Head"
#1061 opened by DarianStardust - 5
[🐞]: Antique Ink cannot be used on non-directional Signs
#1062 opened by SafTheLamb - 4
[🐞]: Server config does not respect "rope_override" setting for rope arrows
#1063 opened by SafTheLamb - 1
[🐞]: bricks ignore damage ticks
#1064 opened by laneium - 3
[🐞]: Can't pick up safe even unbound or owned.
#1065 opened by ShadwDrgn - 4
[🐞]: Cage with allow_all_mobs set to true unable to capture some mobs
#1075 opened by thekrugers - 4
[🐞]: Flags Crash the Game When Used With a Banner Pattern in a Loom While Epic Knights is Installed
#1068 opened by Anonagonn - 1
[❓]: Why is there no "crimson_lantern"?(1.20.1)
#1070 opened by QianMuu - 0
[🐞]: capture_blacklist tag not working as intended, wrong ids?
#1072 opened by LeonarthCG - 0
[🐞]: XP Bottling on Multiplayer Server
#1073 opened by Cryptic2123 - 1
[🐞]: Several Post Effects (shaders) are immediately removed when `mob_head_shaders` is enabled.
#1088 opened by mortuusars - 1
[🐞]: Newest Update Null
#1076 opened by DragonGirl7567 - 22
[❓]: Supplementary crash when I open the world?
#1078 opened by mcmodpacklover - 1
[🐞]: Crashing on Load Exit Code -1
#1077 opened by DrakonFG - 0
[🐞]: Blue Bomb glitched behaviour with Moonlight Lib 1.20-2.12.1
#1082 opened by Nereithr - 1
[🐞]: Slice Map Recipe parsing error - likely invalid condition.
#1083 opened by Nereithr - 0
[🐞]: Crash when installing WindVaneBlock
#1079 opened by TROLEwsky - 0
1.21 Support
#1080 opened by SunGod - 2
[🐞]: Unable to connect to dedicated server, tag sync failiure.
#1081 opened by jakeismyname - 2
Grab more out of sack when right-clicking.
#1084 opened by Warhand - 7
[❓]: Custom adventurer map via Data Pack
#1085 opened by kkempfer - 1
Candle holders pop off contraptions
#1086 opened by Plite7067 - 2
[🐞]: Quiver doesn not allow scrolling when using hotkey
#1087 opened by lotusdrive - 2
[🐞]: the wrench turns the steps with the mat incorrectly
#1092 opened by SegaBASS08 - 0
[🐞]: Enderman head isn't rendering eye layer when worn.
#1089 opened by UshankThePog - 1
[🐞]: Duplication bug for stacks over 64
#1090 opened by K-Fitzpatrick - 0
[🐞]: Sap and Syrup Jar Textures from Autumuity are flip-floped
#1091 opened by Shibva - 0
[Mod Compat] Controlify
#1093 opened by isXander - 0
[🐞]: Pulley block not working
#1094 opened by chupals - 0
[🐞]: Unable to put Cage back into backpack / shulker box
#1095 opened by edralzar - 0
[🐞]: Cartographer's Quill map markers
#1096 opened by java-jambalaya