- 1
Acacia Boat is somehow oredictionaried as ingotAluminum
#652 opened by KageDragon - 1
[1.9.4] Industrial Grinder Water
#651 opened by darklordwonton - 1
[1.7.10] Crash when charging with RF
#657 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
Handler mods.techreborn doesn't work, not sure what else it could be.
#653 opened by Fortanono - 0
Fusion reactor not working properly [1.7.10]
#654 opened by Skillotic0703 - 4
Rubber Trees don't seem to generate with Quark's worldgen
#655 opened by erindal - 0
Centrifuge Recipe Bug
#656 opened by erindal - 3
Crash with Tech reborn and JEI
#660 opened by Peach774 - 3
Bugs in 1.7.10 version.
#661 opened by Furious1964 - 1
RubberWood meta values seem weird
#662 opened by HenryLoenwind - 1
Cannot automatically remove products of Extractor
#658 opened by varukasalt - 7
[1.10.2] Texture glitches
#659 opened by Skillotic0703 - 2
strange crash with Tinker's Addons
#667 opened by 0Navis0 - 7
1.10.2 - TCon and TechReborn Crash
#664 opened by Peach774 - 3
All sides of ores (and possibly other blocks) are always rendered
#675 opened by LatvianModder - 3
[Regression] Crash on startup
#676 opened by C0rn3j - 4
various issues
#685 opened by the-creamster - 4
Items that hold energy seem to provide energy even when they are empty
#680 opened by erindal - 11
Weird Crash from voltage explosion involving Tough as Nails
#678 opened by erindal - 1
TechReborn cables don't connect to Tesla providers
#681 opened by erindal - 1
TechReborn machines do not receive power from Tesla Providers
#682 opened by erindal - 4
The chainsaw and diamond chainsaw recipes are broken
#688 opened by erindal - 4
Assembly machine Crafttweaker scripts don't accept ore dictionary as input
#689 opened by erindal - 14
Tesla/RF Rebalance?
#690 opened by erindal - 1
Industrial grinder and implosion compressor bug
#691 opened by ChrisMar00 - 3
Major Retrogen performance problem(1.10.2)
#692 opened by the-creamster - 7
Server Issue with Mekanism
#696 opened by MainFreak - 18
1.10.2 Retrogen crash
#699 opened by Keridos - 3
Hoppers don't work with the Iron Furnace
#700 opened by Hobby-boy - 1
Machines don't work when placed directly next to generator
#702 opened by Hobby-boy - 8
Power not syncing in SMP
#703 opened by DoughnutDev - 6
Placing Fluid Generator
#704 opened by DoughnutDev - 13
Various bugs (I can fix some of them, too)
#706 opened by ThexXTURBOXx - 1
Multipart Cable Crash
#708 opened by the-creamster - 20
More machine bugs
#713 opened by the-creamster - 1
Crash with shift-click in Generator
#714 opened by MapperTV - 1
1.10.2 tin ore and bronze are not registered to tinkers construct
#694 opened by kamyflouge - 22
I think its time to move on (TechReborn2) ?
#695 opened by gigabit101 - 6
Crash when starring minecraft: NoClassDefFoundError TileThermalGenerator
#718 opened by SiblisCu - 8
World will not load after constructing Industrial Grinder Multiblock.
#719 opened by varukasalt - 6
Lava dupe with techreborn installed
#720 opened by wormzjl - 4
Free saltpeter for everyone!
#722 opened by utoc - 0
Semifluid Generator client crash when non-TR fluids are pumped in
#723 opened by utoc - 7
Lapatronic Energy Orb Chestplate Issues
#724 opened by the-creamster - 2
Infinite Platinum
#715 opened by the-creamster - 2
Machine Multiblock Documentation
#716 opened by erindal - 1
Crash with IC2
#717 opened by DoughnutDev - 5
AtmosphereCraft integration
#725 opened by bence98 - 1
[1.10.2] Break any of machines (maybe) doesn't let them unload properly
#726 opened by 3TUSK - 10
Pages worth of NPEs in client console for TechReborn Tile Entities
#727 opened by utoc