- 0
Problem with item tags
#3222 opened by e2e13 - 1
Copying machine config does not work
#3220 opened by AriesOdyssey - 2
ruby helmet crashes game
#3213 opened by Deloptin - 2
1.20.1 Server quantum chestplate log spam
#3211 opened by mike1000195 - 0
Player Detector should not detect players in spectator mode.
#3210 opened by drcrazy - 1
Quantum chestplate flight abillity remains on player even after unequipped
#3208 opened by J4ckTh3R1pper - 2
Elevator Block? Broken. Cannot go up.
#3207 opened by Legion495 - 1
About player detector
#3206 opened by Rcc-xyz - 2
Autocrafter causes server crash in Modern Skyblock 3
#3205 opened by torbeneims - 1
rubber sappling won't grow in 1.20.4
#3204 opened by RicardoRDSF - 2
Raw Iron and Copper cannot be ground in the grinder.
#3203 opened by zpalmer618 - 3
fabric 1.20.1 no item recepies in jei
#3202 opened by hallool - 1
Server Disconnect when Adjusting Machine Configurations
#3201 opened by SwiftyWheels - 3
Changing the Energy System does not change the in-game unit at all
#3200 opened by KonSola5 - 3
Crash all time.
#3199 opened by Fiishbone7 - 3
Tech Reborn Overclocker Upgrade tooltips don't reflect reality
#3196 opened by KonSola5 - 1
Create crashing using REI 1.20.1
#3190 opened by carritguy - 4
bronze ingot isnt tagged
#3189 opened by danilwhale - 1
A bug when attempting to connect client to LAN server.
#3188 opened by Nelfian188 - 2
Assembling Machie GUI Incorrect
#3187 opened by DanTheBuilder - 13
Quantum armor flight bug on servers only seems like
#3186 opened by PurelyRain - 1
Storage Unit won't auto-input more than 64 of an item.
#3184 opened by mcummings611 - 1
[5.4.0] Fusion rector crafting not really using redstone input
#3183 opened by Aphyxia - 4
you cant make zinc with out a machine that needs zinc to make it 1.20.1
#3182 opened by mailrevers - 3
Jackhammer doesn't dig deepslate
#3180 opened by 9ac0bs - 0
Water Cell does not behave correctly with Waterlogged Blocks
#3178 opened by shanoaice - 5
[Crash] incorrect operation of energy storage units
#3177 opened by Sepera-okeq - 4
Quantum armor console spam
#3176 opened by TheNanuak - 2
`StorageUnitBaseBlockEntity`'s `ItemStorage` lookup does not accept a null `Direction`
#3175 opened by SquidDev - 0
Server not loading TechReborn 5.8.0 (mc 1.20)
#3174 opened by ildade - 1
[bug] [1.20.1] Inventory GUI Mod Incompat
#3172 opened by noawx - 2
Some zombie villagers were mistakenly rendered.
#3170 opened by HuanGeiWoLiuGeBi - 0
Fishing station missing item I/O configuration and upgrade slots.
#3168 opened by Kamikamiku - 1
Game crashes when loading a save
#3166 opened by olive-spore-734 - 6
industrial grinder multiblock not completing
#3165 opened by BloxMaster3 - 1
modrinth mirror
#3164 opened by neektwothousand - 7
unable to craft stuff
#3163 opened by gadgetshark - 2
Quantum Suit does not give creative flight
#3159 opened by UnRealDinnerbone - 1
bug can't grind iron ingot to iron dust
#3158 opened by akailham - 0
[Bug/Feature] TR fluids make no noise when collected via bucket.
#3155 opened by WaffleDevs - 0
Unable to place blocks inside of TR fluids
#3154 opened by WaffleDevs - 3
[1.16-3.8.4+build.236] A bug with solar panels
#3153 opened by HIHAZET - 2
Console Spam on Server
#3152 opened by cheicen - 1
Player is pushed down when taken damage during quantum flight
#3151 opened by pidan8 - 2
Can still fly after taking off quantum armor
#3150 opened by AriesOdyssey - 0
Quantum Armor ( MAJOR BUG )
#3149 opened by pidan8 - 2
Some translations are not included
#3148 opened by squid233 - 1
Rubber trees dont regenerate sap.
#3147 opened by chainsawpenguin - 0
Config values are not loaded properly
#3146 opened by CreativeTechGuy - 0
Some progress bars not moving right
#3145 opened by Thepigcat76