- 4
Advanced jackhammer duplicates itself
#2222 opened by Adirelle - 0
Unenchanted jackhammer works normally without charge
#2223 opened by R3DRUMVNE - 4
Assembling Machine causes crash
#2224 opened by jannikac - 5
Cloaking Device doesn't work
#2226 opened by TheVoidX3 - 0
The drill doesn't work like an iron shovel and iron pickaxe
#2225 opened by R3DRUMVNE - 3
Game crashes when breaking windmills
#2228 opened by Nyanxikun - 1
Electric lights don't need power
#2227 opened by CStafford-14 - 5
[1.16.3] Ores doesn't break even with a Diamond Pickaxe
#2230 opened by Desempregago - 1
Advanced jackhammer cant break ancient debris
#2231 opened by R3DRUMVNE - 0
Advanced jackhammer starts to work faster when the lithium batpack is discharged
#2232 opened by R3DRUMVNE - 2
A couple of auto crafting table suggestions
#2233 opened by Caridmum - 3
Add villager a Tech reborn
#2234 opened by Miros77 - 0
Easy breaking obsidian with the advanced and industrial jackhammers
#2235 opened by R3DRUMVNE - 4
Interdimension SU doesn't work interdimensionally
#2236 opened by Caridmum - 0
[1.16.2] Machine Fluid Duplication Bug
#2239 opened by ecumber - 5
Add a metal workbench
#2237 opened by Miros77 - 1
OmniTool Does not provide techreborn Ores
#2240 opened by DJTobi1Kenobi - 3
It is impossible to craft copper wire without insulation
#2241 opened by GGenAva - 4
I cant start a server on aternos, is shows followin error
#2243 opened by Namonato - 0
Machines check all recipes when trying to insert
#2242 opened by Technici4n - 3
Implement the Industrial Chunk Loader
#2244 opened by 0xfeeddeadbeef - 0
Compressor cannot compress ingots from other mods
#2245 opened by Juuxel - 1
Jackhammers can mine ores
#2246 opened by R3DRUMVNE - 1
(Probably) A list of recipes that should support tags but don't
#2247 opened by Neubulae - 3
Bronze dust creation recipe is missing
#2248 opened by pinter-gabor-at - 1
Omni-Tool doesn't have the right mining level
#2249 opened by IsaacBStark - 7
Java 14 and Java 15 Crash
#2250 opened by AminoX99 - 2
Power display bug
#2251 opened by LegendLZD - 1
Omni-Tool can only break vanilla ores
#2256 opened by DaFuqs - 1
Astromine compat: Grinder
#2257 opened by DaFuqs - 0
Astromine compat: Compressor
#2259 opened by DaFuqs - 4
Jackhammer broken
#2253 opened by DaFuqs - 0
Grinding Recipes for Ancient Debris
#2254 opened by DaFuqs - 4
Netherite-Tier Powertool(s)
#2255 opened by DaFuqs - 3
"ClassCastException: BlockItem cannot be cast to ItemFluidInfo" ticking Industrial Grinder after mod update
#2261 opened by copygirl - 0
"Empty Cell" output and input slots for chemical reactor
#2262 opened by DaFuqs - 1
Unbreaking and Mending can be applied to Lapotron Crystal
#2263 opened by copygirl - 0
Charge-O-Mat can't charge batteries or tools
#2264 opened by RammasunW - 1
"Unable to get CCW facing of down" crash when other player places wind mill on server
#2267 opened by copygirl - 0
Basic Chainsaws seem to have the wrong stats and works without charge
#2268 opened by tenguin - 5
Tech Reborn storage units not keeping meta data/stored item contents
#2269 opened by Technici4n - 1
Missing tags in recipes
#2270 opened by Technici4n - 1
Overlapping upgrade tooltips
#2271 opened by Technici4n - 2
[1.16.3] Advancements not localized.
#2272 opened by ProsperCraft - 3
cells are displayed like this
#2273 opened by Miros77 - 0
errors at the start of the world
#2274 opened by Miros77 - 0
Support item tags in (grinding) recipes
#2275 opened by DaFuqs - 0
Oh The Biomes You'll Go Compat: Grinder
#2276 opened by DaFuqs - 7
Add Rubber Sign and Boat
#2277 opened by saltyseadoggo - 0
Rubber Fence and Fence Gate cannot be used as fuel
#2278 opened by saltyseadoggo