- 0
Configuration option to disable vanilla torch changes.
#607 opened by UnlimatedStone9 - 4
Placement of non charcoal items as charcoal piles.
#606 opened by UnlimatedStone9 - 1
Partially filled mold appears empty when accessed from chest
#605 opened by KalebGreek - 4
Farmland reverts to grass block.
#604 opened by p0kes - 1
Small Vessel containing liquid metal heats slower in Forge than one containing ore.
#603 opened by p0kes - 3
berry bushes spawning in desert
#602 opened by Gaelmare - 1
Sleeping in bed makes ingots in forge loose heated state
#601 opened by BigE1293 - 0
food decay disagreement between client and server
#600 opened by Gaelmare - 2
build 98 client-side crash on PlayerWakeUpEvent
#599 opened by Gaelmare - 1
TFC SoundEvents don't have subtitle localization keys defined
#774 opened by HeartyYF - 2
Rain goes into snow
#598 opened by HeartyYF - 0
- 1
Can’t receive animal products regardless of familiarity
#596 opened by BigE1293 - 1
client side crashes when server crashed on logout
#595 opened by Gaelmare - 1
Allow custom date format as part of locale (i.e. in language file)
#594 opened by 3TUSK - 0
Pit Kiln should melt Tier II and above ores to unknown alloy
#593 opened by DisasterMoo - 2
Spindles don't seem to have durability, yet are used in a `damage_item` recipe for crafting wool yarn
#592 opened by p0kes - 5
Ceramic jugs delete liquids it can't be filled with
#591 opened by rhapsodyman2000 - 3
Crucible input slot isn't limited to stack size = 1
#590 opened by AtomicBlastPony - 0
Placing or breaking cobblestone next to straw bed breaks the bed.
#589 opened by p0kes - 2
Charcoal pit should be added to JEI for charcoal.
#588 opened by Claycorp - 0
Rare time bug
#587 opened by BigE1293 - 3
HUD display changes
#586 opened by DisasterMoo - 1
Raw grain bunches are consumable
#585 opened - 1
SMP: filled molds appear empty
#584 opened by Gaelmare - 4
Improper day-night circle
#583 opened by HeartyYF - 1
Custom food values
#582 opened by Ravin890 - 0
Large Animals still suffocate in worldgen
#581 opened by Therighthon - 2
Tools are displayed as regular items in hand in VR
#580 opened by AtomicBlastPony - 1
Mapping "place item" (default: V) to a mouse button doesn't work.
#579 opened by AtomicBlastPony - 3
Obsidian can be made when lava meet water.
#578 opened by hidfug - 1
CME on World tick on player join. V97
#577 opened by Claycorp - 4
Add replacement recipe for vanilla lead as replacement for Classic rope.
#576 opened by Gaelmare - 2
#575 opened by samuelt005 - 1
Frigid water
#574 opened by JonJonsonsSon - 1
#573 opened by PacoMods - 1
daylight game rule isn't ever enabled. Build 95
#572 opened by Claycorp - 1
Hunger does not decrease correctly
#571 opened by agilmore2 - 1
Snowfall causes Bloomery Hatch to be destroyed
#570 opened by ianthina - 1
Keeping Entity spam in console.
#569 opened by Claycorp - 1
Memory leaks.... If you get an OutOfMemeory crash look here.
#568 opened by Claycorp - 1
Torches not created in firepit with LiteLoader
#567 opened by KWik - 1
Raw stone blocks drop + pick block copy metadata
#566 opened by reddler97 - 1
Update Version 94 | Food Decay with JEI
#565 opened by liquidblur - 1
Grass path block not supporting other blocks nearby
#564 opened by Volkann1234 - 3
Minor issue with ore dictionary
#563 opened by DisasterMoo - 4
cobblestone no longer fits in small vessels
#561 opened by agilmore2 - 0
no sluice recipe
#560 opened by agilmore2 - 2
Stone anvils have reduced hardness compared to stone blocks
#559 opened by Volkann1234 - 1
Ore spawn bugged in build 95
#558 opened by BigE1293