- 0
Minecraft Crashing Due to a custom lost cities world settings preview hiccup?
#391 opened by WilliamBlaze - 3
Unable to access Lost Cities Dimension in 1.15.2
#390 opened by thingwithwings - 0
Chisel worldtype: Add building variants that don't use Concrete/flooring that doesn't use concrete
#388 opened by Derpford - 0
Issues When Pregenerating the World
#387 opened by braf1895 - 0
(1.16.5) LostCities Dimension Broken Daylight Cycle
#386 opened by Brittank88 - 20
"easymobs" vs "hardmobs" - Clarification?
#385 opened by Brittank88 - 7
wrong block state on walls and some glass panes
#384 opened by Old-Man-D - 3
City Chunks Generate Over Explosions
#383 opened by Brittank88 - 8
Lost Cities mod prevents Better Strongholds from working
#382 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 1
[1.16.5] [Request] Config to specify mod items in loot boxes
#381 opened by vhhawk - 1
#380 opened by Juancaa-a - 1
#379 opened by Logics2996 - 1
fabric pls
#378 opened by hjhyhg - 0
Option to disable the cellar border per building
#377 opened by Nick1st - 4
The "allowedBiomeFactors" doesn't work at all
#376 opened by MarkSergeevich - 1
New City Idea (1.12.2 version)
#375 opened by shidolfadler - 0
How to Generate Space Profile in 1.16?
#374 opened by North-West-Wind - 1
[1.16.5] Extreme lag + log flooding when setting LostCities world gen options
#373 opened by colonelpanic762 - 0
#372 opened by SilverArtcticWolf - 2
[1.16.5] Building lighting config option does nothing
#371 opened by 0DeltaWaves - 0
Dimension Specific Loot Tables
#370 opened by Nafen-F - 4
1.12.2 Crash my server.
#369 opened by SeagalKru - 1
Lost Cities wont generate on a super flat world
#368 opened by Heddes - 1
userassets.json Not Being Used in 1.16.5 Version
#367 opened by redspecsgaming - 2
Cant generate a world
#366 opened by Opsord - 1
Minecraft crash report - Reason: Interaction with Lost Cities
#365 opened by Evaktos - 2
1.16.5 - Feature Placement Crash
#364 opened by B3nedek - 3
New Worlds Don't Gen NEW Settings
#363 opened by desagas - 0
Add support for building parts to be defined in NBT files
#362 opened by martinwestwood - 1
Need Help Selecting NoDamage for worldgen
#361 opened by NetMasterFlex - 2
Confusion on how the asset system works
#360 opened by Mihogfans - 1
Creepy noises? (not an issue more of an question)
#357 opened by WaitWhyAmIHere - 0
Suggestion - Offramps, Curved Highways, different amounts of lanes, and more!
#356 opened by yugyuhvy - 1
TerraForged Incompatibility
#355 opened by zndrmn - 3
Realistic cities
#354 opened by pariasthecleric - 0
#353 opened by pariasthecleric - 0
Out of bounds errors with chunk generation
#352 opened by DereC4 - 2
How do you edit biosphere biomes?
#351 opened by DereC4 - 0
1.10.2 Edit loot tables
#350 opened by question57 - 4
Terrible FPS when playing on 1.12.2 and 1.16.5
#349 opened by ApexSoundwave - 7
[1.16.5] Client crash on creating a new world - NullPointerException: mouseClicked event handler
#348 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
Bed can teleport players inside ground/floor.
#347 opened by miiichael - 13
[1.16.5] Mountainous terrain in Terraforge generates above buildings
#346 opened by lendrick - 1
Customize City
#345 opened by Ineedhelp3 - 6
Error Loading Mod
#344 opened by Ineedhelp3 - 0
[Suggestion][Minor/QoL] Command to list building name
#343 opened by 04Slash - 2
Cities not always generating
#342 opened by Areolata7 - 1
Issue with the 1.15-3.0.2-Alpha file
#341 opened by failedartkid - 7
Cities are not generated in 1.16.4
#340 opened by atzelpool - 0
Dirt/Grass under parks
#339 opened by codewolf219