- 1
Crash when trying to update from 1.19.4 to 1.20.1
#653 opened by alequipelatte - 2
unable to upgrade travelers backpack
#654 opened by Quantumrage10 - 1
fabric-1.20 .Unable to upgrade my backpack, that's the problem I encountered.
#655 opened by QianMuu - 4
[Suggestion] table buttons/new design
#644 opened by BomberKamek - 1
Item dissapears when updating this mod
#645 opened by AoSankaku - 1
How to recover backpack from backup?
#646 opened by 0xUb1k - 7
Place leather in first slot (template slot)
#647 opened by ShadoUrufu - 1
Backpack tier not upgradeable in 1.19.4 when using 1.20 addons
#648 opened by Ruby51244 - 3
[1.20.1] sleeping bags issues
#649 opened by Bass2style - 1
Forge 1.20.1 can't add upgade in smithing table , because of templates for armor slot?
#650 opened by CTMOM - 6
Forge 1.20.1 "Invalid Player Data" Error Screen in Singleplayer
#651 opened by amyyy04 - 2
Forging upgrade backpacks cannot be performed within fabric 1.20 version.
#652 opened by QianMuu - 2
[Bug] Disabled Crafting not working
#660 opened by A5ho9999 - 0
QoL: Can the Recipe book be integrated?
#661 opened by willydee - 8
configuration issue
#656 opened by Miaochan - 6
Softlock/Crash on latest Fabric mod version with REI.
#657 opened by t-Ghost-t - 12
Equipped Backpack Disappear and Can't be Opened
#663 opened by JigiLi - 1
Dupe with REI (Fabric 1.19.2)
#662 opened by Newermond - 2
[bug] [compatibility] Backpack GUI Buttons Overlap
#658 opened by noawx - 0
not able to upgrade the backpack
#659 opened by NightSprite - 6
[feature] When using the backpack to craft, there's a "cycle through recipes" button
#671 opened by noawx - 2
Crash: Viewing backpack content pressing CTRL freezes and closes the game.
#672 opened by Victor-ARC - 4
Stored Backpacks missing
#673 opened by Fluffypuppy666 - 1
Inconsistent values between recipes and screenshoots
#674 opened by Estroo - 1
Backpack dissapearing from your back after installing Effortless Building
#664 opened by HTMLDevelopment - 1
[Suggestion] Travelers-Medical-Kit
#665 opened by BomberKamek - 1
More tool slots
#666 opened by cnmhqwerty - 3
Items Bug
#668 opened by Falconx94 - 2
TB causes a crash while using crafting interface with REI
#667 opened by Soulrel - 1
[BUG] Viewing the contents of a backpack with fluid in it after upgrading it from leather tier causes a crash.
#669 opened by magicsquirrelgames - 2
[1.20.1] Cannot change hose mode
#670 opened by HongkyVietnamese - 1
Additional binds
#683 opened by KIRUYXAN - 2
Fluids Disappear after pickup [BUG]
#684 opened by KIRUYXAN - 2
#675 opened by 893443690 - 1
game crashes + unplayable when placed backpack
#676 opened by lillcait - 0
Idea for Fox backpack
#677 opened by wild00side - 1
Iron backpack crash
#678 opened by wild00side - 2
Can't upgrade any backpack (Fabric)
#679 opened by LReaper31 - 1
backpack abilities dont work in 1.20.1 fabric
#680 opened by igrokvigri - 1
I'm on 1.19.4, forge 45.1.16, and the recipes don't work.
#681 opened by attemptnumber58 - 1
Duplication bug
#682 opened by Batsave - 3
equipping the back pack
#685 opened by joethegreat78 - 3
[bug] [1.20.1] Fluids Disappear after breaking backpack.
#686 opened by noawx - 2
Traveler's Backpack causes server to crash while it (and its dependencies) are the only mods.
#687 opened by LightningFerix - 1
Re Dye backpack sleeping bags
#688 opened by Exaioh - 2
[Suggestion] Bigger bags/external mod integration
#689 opened by BomberKamek - 1
[request] Honey & Powder Snow in tanks
#690 opened by noawx - 3
Items lost in forge server on 1.19.2
#691 opened by ISNing - 1
Game crash when attempt to show content of backpack from Curio Slot
#692 opened by Aspyro - 4
Can't upgrade in Smithing Table
#693 opened by NephiDragon