- 10
Chisel concrete doesn't block sunlight?
#274 opened by LemADEC - 9
ConcurrentModificationException while ticking entity
#273 opened by LemADEC - 1
HWYLA/TOP compatability issue
#275 opened by Kordov19 - 2
Vampire sheep/cow not spawning
#276 opened by Kordov19 - 0
Additional blood drops are not displayed correctly
#277 opened by maxanier - 1
vampire swords have very slow attack speeds
#278 opened by lag42 - 22
Village crashes game
#279 opened by Jamflof - 5
Undersized hit-box and eye level
#280 opened by LemADEC - 5
No Vampire Book
#282 opened by StrawberryCard - 0
Problem with disabling Hunter camps.
#281 opened by 63502 - 1
vampire keybind command issue
#283 opened by truesimonjs - 1
Item duplication - Hunter Research Table
#284 opened by maxanier - 1
Item Duplication - Potion Crafting Table
#285 opened by maxanier - 2
Reward hunter players for hunting vampires
#286 opened by maxanier - 7
No armor for vampires
#287 opened by maxanier - 1
Client crash when doing ritual
#288 opened by stephen92 - 2
Blood converting problem
#289 opened by Iceflame3029 - 0
Vampirism Breaks Night Vision
#290 opened by nematrec - 0
Version Check does use compile time MC version no runtime
#291 opened by maxanier - 2
Black Screen
#292 opened by mimemister - 3
Client NPE when connecting to server
#293 opened by LemADEC - 0
[Enhancement] Adding a config setting to disable vampires capable of infecting
#294 opened by GreatestFool - 3
Level up lag
#297 opened - 0
Make the Sanguinare Injection capable of infecting
#295 opened by GreatestFool - 1
Hunter Intel duplication bug
#296 opened by Witchcrafter1 - 1
Blood Pedsetal crash on place
#298 opened by Y0ungSandwich - 1
particles from astral sorcery disappear when in the sun as a vampire
#299 opened by lag42 - 7
Mo's Custom Mob Spawner Mod messes with vampire spawns
#301 opened by ganhito - 2
[Enhancement] Add config option to disable FOV change
#300 opened by GreatestFool - 3
Vampire Forest too big
#303 opened by vrork - 0
Hunter Coat not fully working
#302 opened by maxanier - 6
Vampire Hunter Insane Village Spawn Rates
#304 opened by aileron565 - 1
Vampirism and Epic Siege
#306 opened by Ceifeire - 2
Dark particle effect around sunscreen vampires
#305 opened by maxanier - 1
no yellow frame , when on the sun
#307 opened by kave777 - 0
Vampire cloak with different colors
#308 opened by maxanier - 3
Add some more "story elements" to the GuideBook / Web / Extra journals
#309 opened by maxanier - 1
Sonic scream attack for bat mode
#310 opened by maxanier - 4
Weapons From Vampirism do not integrate with DSS
#313 opened by PolarisHD - 0
bat_cooldown not enforced
#314 opened by flamechair - 2
Vampire sword attack speed is displayed as 300%
#315 opened by flamechair - 2
If bat_duration is enabled, show visual notification when time is running out
#316 opened by flamechair - 5
Make blood grinder take values from text file
#317 opened by flamechair - 4
cant use my skills as a vampire
#318 opened by RaimboWBlood - 0
Upright coffin
#311 opened by maxanier - 14
Make sucking blood take time
#312 opened by maxanier - 2
Thaumcraft Incompatibility
#319 opened by princessbinas - 1
Blood Vision shows black screen
#322 opened by flamechair - 2
Coffin skips a night. Vampires are really deep sleepers?
#320 opened by Mijithemidge - 0
Feature request: allow the vampire swords to be repairable
#323 opened by flamechair