- 1
[Fabric] Respect Semantic Versioning
#552 opened by halotroop2288 - 1
Snapshot tests do not cleanup /tmp directory
#558 opened by me4502 - 1
/tracemask doesn't work
#559 opened by Visne - 1
/tracemask doesn't work
#560 opened by Visne - 5
option "no-double-slash" not working
#562 opened by Fchen48 - 0
Test issue
#564 opened by LadyCailin - 1
Forge version should not load on newer MC versions
#565 opened by octylFractal - 4
Korean language is not showing correctly
#567 opened - 1
Missing dependency declaration
#1183 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Schematic not loading to Clipboard in 1.14.4
#1246 opened by LadyCailinBot - 10
Unknown property
#1247 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
I have error in World Edit
#1248 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Worldedit 1.14.4 , corner stairs position and state are not flipped correctly
#1249 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Unable to use query() queryAbs() or queryRel() functions in new WorldEdit
#1250 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Issue with most command exceding 30 block and/or where there is multiple type of blocks
#1251 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Add selections, subtract selections, intersect selections etc.
#1252 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
//distr pages seem to be broken on 1.14
#1253 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
(1.4.4 Forge) Oddities with move command
#1254 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Cancel offhand click when using wand
#1255 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
WorldEdit (Fabric *Server* 1.15.2) Crashes: NoClassDefFoundError
#1256 opened by LadyCailinBot - 5
Block that connect don't connect when left click with wand
#1257 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
selecting the first position shows (-1, -1, -1) instead of selected block.
#1258 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Can't find Ids of specific blocks
#1259 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
All commands suggested to default players
#1260 opened by Federe76 - 3
I'm sorry, but I still have this issue
#1261 opened by Federe76 - 2
Can't load worldedit
#1262 opened by DevelopmentHigh - 2
/biomeinfo not working
#1265 opened by vanutp - 1
Selection commands via commandblock
#1266 opened by Bedah95 - 1
Drain broken in 1.13 and above
#1267 opened by vajdad4m - 0
Support strings in expressions
#1269 opened by octylFractal - 1
pos1/2 commands do not clamp to world bounds
#1270 opened by wizjany - 1
Stair alignment messed up when copy and pasting
#1271 opened by anna548 - 0
expand vert dont work
#1275 opened by Italoplcl - 2
Could not dispatch event: com.sk89q.worldedit.event.platform.PlatformReadyEvent@10842c7e to handler EventHandler
#1272 opened by mibby - 1
InvocationTargetException on server start-up
#1273 opened by SlimeDog - 4
Exceptions loading some .schematic files in 1.15.2
#1278 opened by lixfel - 2
Beds and doors will not copy/paste/stack etc
#1279 opened by NJDaeger - 3
WorldEdit 7.1.0 API schematic Offset
#1280 opened by TNTTripper - 2
Could not pass event AsyncTabCompleteEvent
#1281 opened by RinNiko - 3
Schematics per player
#1282 opened by jewome62 - 0
Command block sessions access the world async
#1284 opened by octylFractal - 2
'/we help' doesn't list only commands the player has permission for
#1283 opened by I-Knight-I - 6
litematic support
#1287 opened by dlaverick - 2
View or edit the current mask/global mask
#1286 opened by NJDaeger - 2
VoxelSniper brushes
#1288 opened by Inscrutable - 0
Expand butcher command with a water mob flag to avoid killing fish / dolphins.
#1294 opened by mibby - 0
Undoing can result in an NPE
#1291 opened by octylFractal - 14
Using mask with multiple block tags doesn't work
#1292 opened by oskarkk - 2
Error copying blocks from Project Red 2
#1296 opened by Harchvertelol - 1
Error copying blocks from Project Red 2 1.7.10
#1297 opened by Harchvertelol