- 1
world edit is broken when it comes to black faces and block rotations. Stairs for example
#1606 opened by ATLANTICFIVE - 12
Conflict with fabric-carpet
#1605 opened by octylFractal - 1
NPE from keypress event
#1604 opened by Letoric - 3
/toggleeditwand not disabling the wand when used.
#1603 opened by OpalPanda - 1
//repleace command don't work with %
#1602 opened by ArAmc - 4
GUI additon
#1601 opened by FormSans - 1
Biom reset
#1599 opened by Blueeyestar - 3
Latest version not working with Forge server
#1594 opened by Nexus52 - 2
When I use world edit 7.2.0, it changes itself back to 7.1.0
#1593 opened by Fredashay - 2
Player_heads attached to the side are not recognized in //distr //replace ........
#1592 opened by Blueeyestar - 2
WorldEdit MOD not loading
#1590 opened by Frostash - 4
Change name of a tool when a brush is bound to it.
#1589 opened by NJDaeger - 2
My residence plugin is not working with world edit.
#1588 opened by ExodusCW - 0
Allow sessions to mutate the default tool when the config changes
#1587 opened by octylFractal - 2
Blocks drop additionally V2
#1586 opened by RobZenFL - 2
Tree tool triggers invalid position message yet the position is valid
#1585 opened by NotMyFault - 1
fill command stops working
#1584 opened by frazzlesticks - 2
//regen error
#1583 opened by XoeSara - 2
Compass teleport triggers unexpected
#1582 opened by Tim269 - 2
World Crashes when and enderman spawns in or is spawned in.
#1581 opened by NebulaVY - 1
Blocks drop additionally when placed
#1579 opened by RobZenFL - 4
This WorldEdit version does not fully support your version of Bukkit?..
#1578 opened by molor - 1
//Undo Fails to restore sign text or chest contents
#1577 opened by Mintaka3a - 3
Furnace orientation misplacement
#1575 opened by TeeSee64 - 2
Add `//revolve` Command
#1574 opened by zax71 - 1
High CPU usage and low fps in areas I use world edit, goes back to normal when you leave the area.
#1573 opened by eVisper - 1
No Commands From WorldEdit
#1572 opened by winksplorer - 1
Blocks breakdown on //paste
#1571 opened by igorekudashev - 1
Regeneration of a chunk isnt working in version 7.1.0
#1570 opened by Alzucard - 9
WorldEdit just stoppped working at one point
#1569 opened - 4
/info command from other plugin is block in TAB-Complet when WorldEdit is used
#1568 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
Languages unpack despite already existing
#1567 opened by ShiftingKill - 2
Worldedit no longer accepts layman
#1565 opened by GormAuslander - 3
Using WorldEdit commands kicks client with "Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException"
#1562 opened by RalphORama - 0
WorldEdit commands file logging independent of console logging.
#1560 opened by DesolateIntention - 1
//setbiome not working 7.2.0 on Paper 1.16.1
#1558 opened by caesar-oculus - 3
//setbiome not working Version 7.2.0 on MC 1.16.1
#1557 opened by caesar-oculus - 3
Build 5457 not working
#1556 opened by OGRaft18 - 0
//scale and general region-applied transforms
#1554 opened by octylFractal - 1
Problème avec un brush
#1553 opened by TeddyR88 - 3
Having wands as modname:item instead of #IDs
#1552 opened by Goldninja100gn - 8
//setbiome does not work in 1.16.3
#1551 opened by Dracconis - 1
Add keybinds for common actions to client WorldEdit
#1550 opened by me4502 - 1
Tool left click range is limited
#1549 opened by erraineon - 12
Regen region doesn't work
#1544 opened by VL4DST3R - 0
Simple error, only reporting because was told to by console
#1542 opened by Dave-Redisfa - 0
Block change limit does not account for -1
#1540 opened by mikroskeem - 1
1.16.2+ Custom Biome Support for //setbiome
#1538 opened by MrKorvic - 2
worldedit doesn't work in some worlds but it does in others (in the same version)
#1537 opened by xdperez - 2
Schematic from old version signs
#1533 opened