- 3
1.17 Update Needs
#1670 opened by octylFractal - 1
Potential Race Condition or Bug in RegionOptimizedVectorSort
#1672 opened by octylFractal - 0
Make a test platform
#1673 opened by octylFractal - 1
New Block Category Pattern for Targeted Block
#1674 opened by snhnry - 1
Fabric/Forge Adapter methods for BlockState are inefficient
#1671 opened by wizjany - 10
SLF4J WARN messages on start-up
#1676 opened by SlimeDog - 1
Cleanup deprecations introduced by NBT swap
#1675 opened by octylFractal - 1
Conflict with carpet mod?
#1678 opened by ComputerJock - 1
Adapters need updating for NBT changes
#1677 opened by andrewkm - 3
Commands Missing in Aternos Server
#1683 opened by Awerty16 - 2
Error trying to move cuboid selection
#1684 opened by Nick2bad4u - 3
WE 7.2.3 drops items from containers
#1686 opened by x1p - 1
Schematic Load Error
#1687 opened by GeoBrick - 0
Restore no longer works: com.sk89q.jnbt.CompoundTag cannot be cast to class com.sk89q.worldedit.util.nbt.CompoundBinaryTag
#1688 opened by Brokkonaut - 4
MC 1.16.5; WorldEdit 7.2.3: Chest item drop problem.
#1690 opened by Spaex - 1
Add permissions to commands that do not have them
#1691 opened by mcmuffindk - 3
Port of Curseforge Modpack doesn't work on MultiMC: Caused by Worldedit
#1692 opened by Razatop - 2
Allow //setbiome to accept biome IDs in the <target> parameter
#1693 opened by UnIockables - 4
Make //brush clipboard support a higher radius
#1694 opened by dr-atuti - 2
Crash during SP world creation
#1695 opened by skies912 - 3
Updated disallowed-blocks
#1696 opened by xSimplified-x - 1
a bug report because I can't test this privately
#1697 opened by octylFractal - 1
Observers bug
#1698 opened by MichronusMagnus - 8
Grand failure on Spigot start-up
#1700 opened by SlimeDog - 1
Auto tab complete error
#1701 opened by Henriiig - 10
Crash on server start-up
#1702 opened by SlimeDog - 3
Worldedit conflicts with McMMO /inspect command
#1703 opened by Pabsb - 1
//forest Generation Issues
#1704 opened by robertfields32 - 1
Cylindrical selector: Unable to use 0,0,0 as center
#1706 opened by Joo200 - 1
worldedit-core pom is not deployed
#1708 opened by wizjany - 9
WorldEdit 7.2.4 and 7.2.3 crashes when loading world
#1709 opened by mikkolukas - 1
calling a function and immediately reloading causes all worledit commands to disappear
#1710 opened by Ronezkj15 - 1
Allow //naturalize to search below "ground"
#1711 opened by nikitis - 0
Brainstorm about TrueVFS alternatives / workarounds
#1712 opened by octylFractal - 2
Add integration tests
#1713 opened by octylFractal - 1
I have 2 selwands
#1717 opened by enderson0 - 2
WE conflicts with /cs carpet script
#1719 opened by Syntro42 - 1
Wont work
#1720 opened by Meiscool125 - 10
Lag outside of an Edit / ThreadLocal kills interactions
#1722 opened by octylFractal - 1
copy and paste bug
#1726 opened by monmonmonika - 4
WorldEdit is dropping Blocks
#1724 opened by Deaclya - 1
Forge Auto-Update Notifications
#1725 opened by DalekCraft2 - 10
Down/Up Facing Item Frames have incorrect rotations
#1727 opened by peytonpeck - 1
Will you please make it so that we can copy, paste, and stack entities in forge 1.12.2?
#1728 opened by mrgallop - 0
Removing a WorldEdit's player entity raises an UnsupportedOperationException
#1729 opened by Joo200 - 3
WE confict with carpet mod, Can't coexist. the map can't start.
#1731 opened by hxhwing0522 - 4
WE Crashed the game
#1732 opened by Vojlas - 2
Crashed Upon World Generation
#1733 opened by TheRealAtrocities - 2
Server lags
#1737 opened by metabrixkt - 6
Crashes with forge
#1738 opened by orrinpants