- 0
[Crash]: Atm9 minecraft crash on my server
#2009 opened by Nestea29950 - 3
[Crash]: AllTheModium and better armors crash the game
#2011 opened by Smoack - 1
[Crash]: Hitting the Piglich crashes Server
#2012 opened by calvissuperman - 0
[Quests issues]: Thermal Extra rf_coil_xfer_augment_5 appears in the "items to craft the star quest"
#2013 opened by ToastyCoral - 4
[Bug]: all the mods 9 accessing inventory crash
#2014 opened by Arpello - 0
[Quests issues]: Wrong OR filter (?) in Mekanism pressurized tube quest
#2015 opened by LexonBlackzz - 2
[Bug]: phytogenic insulator creates more seeds
#2017 opened by Sebbito - 1
[Crash]: the server crashes when I go into a piglich pyramid
#2036 opened by Raphaeldufour - 0
[Bug]: [0.3.2]/(latest version) Freezing apon pausing game in single player world
#2035 opened by RapFalp - 0
[Bug]: cant put ink into the alchemist cauldron on 0.32
#2018 opened by DerpDerpling - 4
[Bug]: Apiary MK II producing blank comb blocks
#2019 opened by Special70 - 0
[Bug]: items duplicating after rejoining world
#2020 opened by ZaharitIngot - 2
[Crash]: Error occurred applying transform of coremod coremods/field_to_method.js function biome
#2021 opened by HotfirePT - 0
[Bug]: Dupe that works with almost every placeable block
#2022 opened by qwertyfggh - 0
[Feature Request] Recipes for fertilized farmland
#2023 opened by daniele-bondi - 1
[Bug]: Refined Storage hotkey issue
#2025 opened by Evultoad - 0
[Bug]: Oak slabs to Oak Logs / Wrong recipe
#2026 opened by Jagadish-Gaddam - 4
[Bug]: Server unable to boot with Gregtech 1.4.0
#2027 opened by miyoshikai - 0
[Suggestion]: Re-enable Twilight Cloak
#2028 opened by Ozzymud - 4
[Quests issues]: Electric blast furnace quest bug
#2029 opened by codAlienwx - 1
[Bug]: RFTools Screen Link not working in tablet
#2030 opened by DankEngineer - 0
[Crash]: Crash after being 2 to 5 minutes in a server
#2031 opened by GGranch - 1
[Bug]: Blazing bee does not breed
#2032 opened by Alacho2 - 0
GregTech Quest Suggestions
#2033 opened by XayahNeko - 0
[Bug]: Extreme Reactors Energizer can not import FE to Flux network
#2034 opened by XPEH9IDPEHbIu - 1
[Bug]: AE2 Partition ingored, items going into first available cell
#2055 opened by gabriellsh - 2
#2037 opened by billjk2013 - 1
Add Smithing Table automations campatible with Refined Storage
#2038 opened by RumanLucas2 - 0
[Bug]: Royal Gem corrupts and appears as Item.Apotheosis.Gem
#2040 opened by colin094 - 1
[Quests issues]: Rewards provide previous Apotheosis items before they were renamed
#2041 opened by ToastyCoral - 0
[Quests issues]: "Alchemistry Basics" auto-unlocks when completing "Intro to Allthemodium!"
#2042 opened by ShinryuAspect - 6
[Bug]: Gregtech bees impossible to get
#2043 opened by disgraceb - 0
[Crash]: exit code 1 on launch
#2044 opened by KnowTheMeta - 2
[Bug]: Neutronium bee not working in Apiary MK II
#2045 opened by phrostt - 0
[Crash]: The game closes for everyone and the server restarts.
#2046 opened by muyutu12 - 1
[Bug]: Most Create recipes don't show up in JEI
#2047 opened by Yadokingu - 1
[Bug]: Netherite upgrades show up wrong in JEI
#2048 opened by Yadokingu - 1
[Quests issues]: Some tasks don't recoginize Items
#2049 opened by Naini0712 - 3
[Crash]: out of memory crash log
#2050 opened by Omega9900 - 0
[Crash]: Wrong ATM Pack sorry
#2051 opened by Erdblitz - 0
[Quests issues]: ISNS - "The Last Class..." missing proper reward
#2052 opened by ShinryuAspect - 0
[Suggestion] Add Silent Gear tools to main questline progression
#2054 opened by ShinryuAspect - 2
Bee Recipes Unobtainable or Impossible to Craft
#2056 opened by QwartzQrystal - 1
[Bug]: Large Fractionating Distillery not forming
#2057 opened by LCoolJT - 0
[Crash]: EnderIO Fluid Filter and GregTech Steam
#2059 opened by Snowcreeper - 2
[Quests issues]: GregTech observer multiblock quests
#2064 opened by frsfdc - 1
[Bug]: Silent Gear Blueprint Book and Armory Cabinet from Functional Storage
#2061 opened by Xelyfer - 0
[Crash]: Crash after playing some time
#2062 opened by chouzz - 1
[Crash]: Closing the recipe GUI with 'e' or escape sometimes crashes the game.
#2063 opened by Keplov - 3
[Bug]:Bee spawn eggs don't change in any GT machine
#2065 opened by frsfdc