323 Addons
29.1k DownloadsUsing theorycrafting numbers, this addon will tell you if an item is an upgrade or not for all your roles.
28.7k DownloadsPuts all teleports in one place
KBM: Mark-It
24.5k DownloadsUnit marks Plug-In for King Boss Mods.
Gadget's: Currency Bar
23.8k DownloadsGadget's: Currency Bar is a simple configurable display for all of Rifts different currencies.
Resource Radar
23.2k DownloadsResource Radar
22.7k DownloadsJust a Bunch of Bags
King Boss Mods 2.0
21.1k DownloadsBringing KBM into Rift 4.0 and beyond
Whimsey's DoT Timers
20.5k DownloadsDoT timer for Rift. Inspired by DoT timers from WoW.
Gadgets: Lifeismystery Unit Frame
20.2k DownloadsGadgets: Lifeismystery Unit Frame
Indiana's Artifact Catalogue of Doom
20k DownloadsIndiana is a Rift Artifact Catalogue
Crafting Material Information
19.8k DownloadsAdds tooltip information to gatherable crafting materials
19.8k Downloadsreplacement for the ingame maps
19.5k DownloadsQuest tracker replacement
18.8k DownloadsDisplays timing bars for your most important buffs and debuffs, sorting upcoming issues to the top.
Tsuki UI
18.1k DownloadsLayout of Tsuki UI, full UI
Dimension Toolbox
18k DownloadsContains various tools to assist in building dimensions
17.1k DownloadsSlim player and target tracking
bCast - Cast bars
17k DownloadsbCast - Player cast bar
17k DownloadsAchievement Tracker
Zone Event Tracker
16.2k DownloadsZone Event Tracker