World of Tanks
590 Mods
J1mB0's Crosshair Mod [Discontinued]
2M DownloadsSimple customizable crosshair with reload timers.
"ASS Zoom" Artasan's Smooth Scope Zoom 30x 10lvl =)
417k DownloadsSmooth zooming in sniper mode.
Grandpa's Crosshairs - Version 2
120k DownloadsGrandpa's Crosshairs Version 2
Grandpa's KISS Crosshairs
61.6k DownloadsKISS Crosshairs
Hawg's Balls Paint Damage
50.6k DownloadsHawg's Balls Paint Damage
Damage Indicators 25 X
44.9k Downloads25 Damage Indicators Pack
Hawg Pack Max Xvm
31.4k DownloadsHawg Pack
Hawg's Needle Damage Indicator V2
22.8k DownloadsHawg's Needle Damage Indicator V2
SPG Shot Timer and Reload Timer
18.9k DownloadsSPG Shot Timer shows you how long your shot will take to reach it's target.
Hawg's Real Time Contour Icons
14.8k DownloadsHawg's Real Time Contour Icons
Target Arrow 20x
8.4k DownloadsHawg's Target Arrow 20x
Target Arrow's V2
6k DownloadsHawg's Target Arrow's V2
Dispersion Reticle
5.9k DownloadsAdds additional circle displaying fully focused dispersion of a gun
Hawg's 64 Pro CrossHairs + Pen Indicator
5.5k DownloadsHawg's Pro CrossHairs + Pen Indicator
Hawg's 48 Arty MiniMap Aim CrossHairs
4.5k DownloadsHawg's 48 Arty MiniMap Aim CrossHairs
Animated 6th Sense +10 Seconds Timers
4.5k DownloadsAnimated 6th Sense +10 Seconds Timers
" No Xvm" 6th Sense Bulbs
3.9k DownloadsHawg's " No Xvm" 6th Sense Bulbs
Hawg's Blue Sky Dome FPS ++
3k DownloadsHawg's Blue Sky Dome
Consumables, Shells & Equipment Informer
2.3k DownloadsHawg's Consumable,Shells,Equipment Informer
Hawg's XVM Nickname Icons
2.1k DownloadsHawg's XVM Nickname Icons