World of Tanks
590 Mods
Aslain's XVM Mod
1M Downloadscustom icons with tank names instead of tank contour, and more...
236k DownloadsREBIRTH ( Hawg Xvm )
Hawg's 10 Tactical MiniMaps + Build Your Own
92.4k DownloadsHawg's 10 Tactical MiniMaps + Build Your Own
J1mB0's Contour Icon Mod [Discontinued]
90.2k DownloadsColored icons for vehicle type indication.
Grandpa's KISS Interface (XVM)
64.6k DownloadsGrandpa's KISS Interface
[] 3D Tank Icons with Emblems
60.7k Downloads3D tank icons with nation emblems, colored SPGs and Tank Destroyers.
Hawg's Minimap
32.7k DownloadsHawg's Minimap
Hawg Pack Max Xvm
31.4k DownloadsHawg Pack
" Bonus Code XVM "
30.5k DownloadsHawg's " Bonus Code XVM "
Ammo, Equipment, Crew Icons
23.1k DownloadsAmmo, Equipment, Crew Icons
[] 3D Tank Icons with Flags
15.4k Downloads3D tank icons with nation flags, colored SPGs and Tank Destroyers.
Artasan's Contour Icons
15.2k DownloadsAllows you to quickly orientate through allies and enemy tank classes.
Hawg's Real Time Contour Icons
14.8k DownloadsHawg's Real Time Contour Icons
Hawg's 1,000 6th Sense Bulbs
11.8k DownloadsHawg's 1,000 6th Sense Bulbs
Minimal Contours by Hawg
11.7k DownloadsHawg's Minimal tank icon contours
Aslain's Gold Premium Tanks
11.3k DownloadsAslain's Gold Premium Tanks
Aslain's Colored Tech-Tree and Vehicle List Icons
9.9k Downloadsa custom Tech-Tree and Vehicle List Icons in Garage
KISS Vehicle Icons - All Styles
9.7k DownloadsKISS Icons
Hetumoger's Girl Mod WOT 9.17
9.6k DownloadsHetumoger's Girl Mod WOT 9.17
Mark Of Excellence
9.6k DownloadsHawg's Mark Of Excellence