World of Tanks
590 Mods
J1mB0's Crosshair Mod [Discontinued]
2M DownloadsSimple customizable crosshair with reload timers.
Aslain's XVM Mod
1M Downloadscustom icons with tank names instead of tank contour, and more...
J1mB0's XVM Config [Discontinued]
505k DownloadsXVM Config matching J1mB0's Crosshair Mod colors with matching Damage Panel.
236k DownloadsREBIRTH ( Hawg Xvm )
Grandpa's Crosshairs - Version 2
120k DownloadsGrandpa's Crosshairs Version 2
Mav's Ultra Fog Remover
106k DownloadsMav's Ultra Fog Remover
Cave (Technology) Hangar
104k DownloadsCave Garage US Army
J1mB0's Contour Icon Mod [Discontinued]
90.2k DownloadsColored icons for vehicle type indication.
Grandpa's KISS Interface (XVM)
64.6k DownloadsGrandpa's KISS Interface
[] 3D Tank Icons with Emblems
60.7k Downloads3D tank icons with nation emblems, colored SPGs and Tank Destroyers.
Grandpa's Damage and HitLog (No XVM)
45.2k DownloadsGrandpa's Damage and HitLog
Damage Indicators 25 X
44.9k Downloads25 Damage Indicators Pack
Ammo, Equipment, Crew Icons
23.1k DownloadsAmmo, Equipment, Crew Icons
Battle Loading Background Screens
21.4k DownloadsMaps on battle loading background
SPG Shot Timer and Reload Timer
18.9k DownloadsSPG Shot Timer shows you how long your shot will take to reach it's target.
[9.15.1] dirtyred's XVM
18.2k DownloadsFor XVM nightly builds
[] 3D Tank Icons with Flags
15.4k Downloads3D tank icons with nation flags, colored SPGs and Tank Destroyers.
Minimal Contours by Hawg
11.7k DownloadsHawg's Minimal tank icon contours
Aslain's Colored Tech-Tree and Vehicle List Icons
9.9k Downloadsa custom Tech-Tree and Vehicle List Icons in Garage
KISS Vehicle Icons - All Styles
9.7k DownloadsKISS Icons