- 0
[Feature Request]
#1234 opened by MSav93 - 1
Karazhan error
#1226 opened by Talimar - 1
Wago source?
#1222 opened by Rhinomer - 4
Getting error right after the boss was killed in SWP. Looks like RClootcouncil is doing some nasty thing to BigWigs addon
#1221 opened by Jovzin - 1
Sunwell Plateau package missing
#1209 opened by wigoor - 1
Lihuvim’s “Manifest Mote” Timer Is One Second Longer Than It Should Be
#1208 opened by FlareStarrr - 1
Jailer LFR
#1206 opened by Nogamara - 1
Mythic Lihuvim's Motes(2) timing bar problem.
#1205 opened by GnomeTW - 3
[Suggestion] Optionally show descriptions with countdowns
#1201 opened by wkrueger - 0
Adding Stages to Dausegne
#1191 opened by cetraben - 1
QoL impovement
#1190 opened by Teeweedle - 2
Lua error on Jailer after latest update
#1186 opened by ekitrak - 1
Prototype of Absolution
#1185 opened by tjgrif001 - 2
BCC : Black Temple/MH Invalid SpellIDs
#1184 opened by jaynedoeh - 1
Anduin (Heroic) - Grim Reflections causes lua error.
#1177 opened by behub-au - 0
Feature Request: Skolex - Ephemera Dust InfoBox
#1170 opened by voidzone - 0
Sound option is gone!
#1164 opened by noelheesen - 3
Missing timer _normal LORDS OF DREAD & RYGELON
#1160 opened by GnomeTW - 1
Devouring Blood is not present in the timers for Skolex
#1155 opened by Sundava - 2
New Timer #352833
#1145 opened - 4
Timers gone after v234.2
#1144 opened by timmywil - 2
Can't close Range window
#1136 opened by furydeath9 - 1
[TBCC] Solarian Bomb ID changed, again
#1131 opened by andyliuaus - 1
Fatescribe Mythic new timers
#1129 opened by Talimar - 1
New timer
#1128 opened by TheAsaSpades - 1
New timer
#1126 opened by toszi - 1
TBCC Solarian wrong Spell ID
#1125 opened by theoriginalmre - 1
Error after wipe in SOD
#1124 opened by N6REJ - 1
New timer for heroic guardians in SoD
#1123 opened by stormerdoom - 2
New timer
#1122 opened by nachtgold - 1
KT Add marking issue
#1120 opened by Deprii - 4
Berserk timer on Al'ar - TBC classic
#1119 opened by bingobot - 1
KT timers missing
#1118 opened by zuggernaut - 1
KT Add marking issue
#1117 opened by PaulVlahosCS - 1
[LFR - Roh Kalmo] New timer for "353931" at stage 1 with placement 2 and value 48.35 on 17 running 232-09476e5, tell the authors.
#1116 opened by bidi0369 - 3
Copy Paste Profiles
#1112 opened by BigBont - 2
spikes incoming bar
#1111 opened by madnessmersa - 3
Remnant of Ner'zhul
#1110 opened by Vladinator - 0
- 1
Error during Sylvanas encounter
#1108 opened by cremor - 2
Phase numbers
#1107 opened by sergeysh93 - 4
LUA Error for Remnant of Ner'zhul encounter MYTHIC
#1106 opened by Breakerzeus - 1
[Suggestion] Give the possibility to assign raid CDs to Boss Mechanics
#1105 opened by Cherostian - 0
Update esES.lua for SoD
#1103 opened by T1b4lt - 1
New timer for 353965
#1102 opened by FireAllianceNX - 0
Feature Suggestion: Add option to play Ready Check in master sound channel
#1100 opened by TheCheat54 - 0
Sylvanas Windrunner: Wrong Spell IDs for Shadow Dagger on Phase 3
#1091 opened by owlietm - 0
Feature Suggestion: Disable all bosses mechanic global button
#1087 opened by metroid112 - 1
disable Nameplate Bars/Nameplate Bars no Skin
#1069 opened by madnessmersa - 4
Timer for Sinseeker on Huntsman Altimor - Castle Nathria on Mythic
#1063 opened by Klorins