- 1
Dungeon sound alerts get reset every Bigwigs update
#1050 opened by Saxayone - 2
ResumeBar LUA Error at Blood Council encounter after Dance
#1033 opened by Breakerzeus - 1
Boss mods do not reset after wipe on Kel'thuzad in Classic
#1032 opened by jsabin69 - 0
Add Trash in CN Raid - sin-bolt-volley Cast und Mark
#1029 opened by Leylaa2 - 3
TalkingHead loading issue
#1028 opened by Wetxius - 1
Inerva Darkvein: Sins timers are broadcasted to people outside of raid
#1011 opened by owlietm - 2
Council of Blood: Confirmation that Dancing Fever timer can go below 60 seconds
#1007 opened by domi1294 - 2
Sun King - Cloak timer is early
#1006 opened by psykzz - 0
[Suggestion] Disabling Messages & Sounds for all
#989 opened by Hostik123 - 2
Say option for Hungering Destroyer uses wrong raid icon
#988 opened by wheatbread - 3
can't disable messages since last release
#986 opened by nukhub - 0
Feature Suggestion: Spell Timer Secondary Alert
#984 opened by asangster - 3
Sun King's Salvation: Vanquisher timer wrong when Darithos dies too early
#973 opened by domi1294 - 4
Council of Blood Mythic; afterimage not marked
#972 opened by joey102 - 9
Alerts/Messages only appearing for targeted unit [Nathria]
#958 opened by bd712 - 1
The Concil of Blood (heroic): some timings are off
#953 opened by Vuhdo - 1
Taunt tank!
#923 opened by Exanaros - 2
Sire Denathrius (Heroic) timer report
#917 opened by anantn - 5
question about bar styles
#905 opened by Pozzyx2019 - 10
Thaddius: Stalagg and Feugen tank swap timer
#897 opened by Mard35 - 5
hero Nathria_The Council of Blood cooldown issue.
#894 opened by GnomeTW - 1
Issue with Stone Legion Generals timings.
#893 opened by Yaboitheos - 2
interact with /countdown
#888 opened by lub - 1
[Feature Request] Only emphasize the bars I want
#887 opened by MSav93 - 4
Issue cropping up often with SL mobs in instances
#880 opened by klepp0906 - 3
Error on Sun King's Salvation
#879 opened by Talimar - 2
Sludgefist Chain Link say symbols
#877 opened by CaleG - 3
classic-Apply for the resurrection Loatheb function
#871 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 4
Add support for countdown of world buffs that are about to pop
#864 opened by a17n - 2
No sound for Ready Check
#858 opened by lostmimic - 2
Selection box extends beyond the box
#857 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 1
Timing bar
#853 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 2
Game freeze when targeting world boss and zoning into Current dungeons
#851 opened by DRYLOFFA - 2
Find some erros with Bugsack
#850 opened by Rubyurek - 1
#849 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 1
Double edge and don't save the style
#848 opened by Pozzyx2019 - 9
Can you please add version number in your TOC file?
#842 opened by ColliderGX - 1
Bars Style "TukUI" is not working
#840 opened by Duff166 - 1
Classic: no timer for the first cast of Sand Blast on Ouro
#838 opened by bingobot - 1
Enhancement: Option to disable Flash
#836 opened by Panir0 - 0
AhnQirajTemple Apply to add features
#833 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 4
#831 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 1
Tentacle timer incorrect after C'Thun Weakened end
#830 opened by swetlover - 0
Fankriss combat has lua error
#829 opened by swetlover - 0
Classic TAQ viscidus zhTW trigger words are wrong.
#828 opened by seakoria - 0
Cthun combat has lua error
#827 opened by swetlover - 1
Error if playing Druid (Classic)
#819 opened by vderaa - 10
What is BW licensed under?
#813 opened by lucasvienna - 1
Add more options to Pull plugin for customized pull timers
#810 opened by elvador - 1
Lua error during pvp
#808 opened by aniboy1999