- 0
Error on clean install
#1376 opened by DakJaniels - 1
Question About sound categories
#1374 opened by Yngwiemalmst - 1
Can hear BigWigs voice through Discord channel
#1370 opened by Arizosa - 0
Missing timers on Heroic Raszageth
#1366 opened by pdandrey - 0
Feature request: Voice prompt for dispell
#1365 opened by professionaltart - 0
missing timer for sennarth - lfr
#1364 opened by Baine - 2
Big Wigs - Dialogue issue in game
#1363 opened by lsulli24 - 0
Raszageth LFR new timers
#1361 opened by ckoenig95 - 2
Suggestion - Add ability to specify a frame to anchor bars to
#1360 opened by mrbuds - 1
New timer tell the authors
#1357 opened by oscassey - 1
tell the authors, dathea fight new timer
#1355 opened by ssarmiento97 - 2
Lua error...
#1354 opened by Milky063 - 23
- 5
Pull timers not displaying for DBM users
#1351 opened by javedbartlett - 3
Compatibility with DBM timers
#1350 opened by MysticalOS - 0
Auto logging isn't working on raid bosses
#1349 opened by Odjur - 4
LFR Lua Error...
#1348 opened by Milky063 - 0
Not getting a timer for the 2nd Zephyr Slam on Dathea Mythic
#1347 opened by drnoonien - 3
Cannot set completely red as a color for bars
#1346 opened by syndenbock - 3
LUA Error Every time interrupted.
#1344 opened by Galorinn - 1
WOTLK - Ulduar timers seem off?
#1340 opened by jonomurphy - 3
- 1
BigWigs "NewTimer" alert on LFR Raszageth, the Storm-Eater
#1338 opened by Xruptor - 1
Autologging breaks logs in M+ keys
#1330 opened by ljosberinn - 1
No custom sound alerts per boss ability
#1324 opened by rognarok - 1
Lua Error in LFR
#1321 opened by Milky063 - 1
Lua Error during raid...
#1319 opened by Milky063 - 4
Being unable to see (and thus modif) options
#1316 opened by gollumeo - 1
Timer updates
#1312 opened by SiJiL82 - 1
Vault of the Incarnates-Kurog: Option "390920" is trying to set invalid marker "29" on a player table.
#1304 opened by jnwhiteh - 5
Missing WotLK plugin
#1295 opened by KalmiaKamui - 1
Using Hearthstone in bag
#1292 opened by FireAllianceNX - 5
We Need "Export Profile"
#1291 opened by FlareStarrr - 4
Sylvanas errors
#1289 opened by sthdevilish - 1
Action blocked
#1288 opened by Talimar - 1
BW can not get dbm timer as bigwigs raidbar. WotLKC
#1287 opened by lgp0509 - 2
I don't even know
#1286 opened by DePhoegon - 2
Sire Denathrius errors
#1285 opened by picklerick84 - 1
Castle Nathria Denathrius
#1284 opened by derickso - 1
Jailer error
#1283 opened by derickso - 1
Lua Error during LFR Dathea Ascended
#1276 opened by LiangYuxuan - 2
CVar EnableErrorSpeech always being set to True
#1273 opened by Bowbee - 2
[option request] Voice off by default
#1272 opened by arru23 - 0
feedback error
#1268 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 0
Latest pull timer change should have settings, defaulted to original behavior.
#1267 opened by nullKomplex - 11
Action blocked on Sylvanas cut scene
#1256 opened by kirin6666 - 1
Prompt to confirm profile reset
#1250 opened by Rothag - 1
Setting was removed to disable voice on mechanic being removed
#1241 opened by phoenixsoap - 1
i get this error on Anduin Mythic
#1237 opened by devil81 - 1
Ready-Check Sound Is Too Loud to Bear With
#1235 opened by FlareStarrr