- 2
Lua Errors - GetAuraPriority UNIT_AURA
#217 opened by L30m4nc3r - 0
#216 opened by Nicko2021 - 5
LUA error help
#214 opened by kitstsu - 7
LUA Error - "GetAuraPriority" ?
#213 opened by mjdeans - 3
nameplates getting buffs/debuffs when they shouldn't be (see link to SS)
#212 opened by rickdaleyFL - 0
mirror friendly/enemy nameplates bugg
#211 opened by rulezxy - 1
Lua Errors in Arena
#210 opened by fatguyqtpie - 2
LUA Error
#209 opened by mjdeans - 7
alter time bug
#207 opened by chriisac - 1
Adding a BigDebuff to raid frames
#204 opened by Kreelix - 4
Random icons in friendly nameplates while they are disabled.
#203 opened by icebobawhite - 0
Hex variant
#202 opened by GMBarra - 0
[Classic] PVE dispels not enlarging since 9.5 version
#201 opened by inopsx - 0
LUA error help
#200 opened by stokedham - 6
Arena Frames showing up
#199 opened by Decady - 1
Can you add this spell?
#198 opened by stenan2 - 2
Shadow Dance missing
#197 opened by Dikoberries - 0
support for SUF raid frames
#196 opened by rml9ty - 0
Havent time text on nameplate icons
#195 opened by Visi66 - 0
Scare Beast (Hunter) is missing from Crowd Control Spells.
#194 opened by mzaken - 0
Shows after leaving dungeon on party frames
#193 opened by jacobrreed - 0
Anchoring Issue
#192 opened by planblol - 0
Masque Support!
#190 opened by GM0Nk96 - 0
CC icons above nameplate and rest side nameplate
#189 opened by Armageddon4891 - 0
Bigdebuff Issue
#188 opened by Panachex - 0
Compatibility for Plexus
#187 opened by Choupiyan - 1
TidyPlates nameplates compatibility issue
#186 opened by jsmenzies - 0
Unable to see Alter Time on nameplates
#185 opened by Hofflerand2 - 0
Support for Kkthnx UI
#184 opened by Baracoot - 0
Frame Specific Spell Priorities
#183 opened by ManneN1 - 3
Random buff on enemy npc nameplate
#182 opened by khold93 - 0
DK legendary absolute zero
#181 opened by jontiboss - 1
Unstable Affliction Warning does not work
#180 opened by alexis-dorosz - 0
delete please
#179 opened by akagh - 0
Consider the ret pvp dispel talent 'Blessing of Sanctuary'
#178 opened by giantegg1 - 2
LUA Error after leaving combat
#177 opened by Hughey17 - 1
ElvUI & Standard Blizzard Frames
#176 opened by ray1892 - 0
BD icons show up next to incorrect party members
#175 opened by jag1917 - 1
Random buffs stay on random nameplates after arenas
#174 opened by TheInternetIsReal - 0
gw2 ui + big debuffs
#173 opened by fratilescu - 0
Shield of Virtue - Silence debuff not tracked
#172 opened by Aingar - 1
Iceblock not showing up on nameplate
#171 opened by TheInternetIsReal - 2
Bigdebuffs displaying on incorrect partyframes with Shadowed Unit Frames
#170 opened by seccitaj - 0
Please allow us to disable "Player Nameplate" in Nameplates option
#169 opened by TheInternetIsReal - 0
Please add the following list of spells to the spell lists
#168 opened by TheInternetIsReal - 4
Allow users to add custom buff Names or IDs to current spell lists
#167 opened by TheInternetIsReal - 3
Unstable Affliction
#166 opened by AffluenceXD - 0
Out of date
#165 opened by wahoo44 - 1
Script ran too long !!!!
#164 opened by wowmacro - 1
BD icon has higher "z-index" over default interface
#163 opened by thrnd