- 5
Debuff duration
#230 opened by Iristates - 4
General Aura Filters - idea
#232 opened by yah467958 - 2
Profile Problem - How can i delete this Profile?
#231 opened by Kaithos - 3
Friendly Nameplates not working under certain level
#234 opened by Smolderos - 4
Other Widgets
#233 opened by Reydas - 3
I want to only show timer for DOTs
#235 opened - 17
Feature request.
#236 opened by yishuangfrank - 3
BigDebuff Nameplates-Functions
#237 opened by EdisonSu768 - 2
LUA error when spells cast out of plate range
#238 opened by Jeremy7600 - 5
Target of Spell Shows incorrectly sometimes.
#239 opened by yishuangfrank - 1
Error since last patch
#241 opened by momocorpo - 3
Lua Errors
#240 opened by billzavaro - 7
"Interface\AddOns\NeatPlatesHub\functions\Widgets.lua:475: script ran too long"
#242 opened by filliph - 5
Skyfury Totem's customized color would taint all rival nameplates
#243 opened by Nukme - 2
Fēi dāngqián mùbiāo dì xuè tiáo tòumíngdù tiáozhěng bù qǐ zuòyòng 17/5000 The transparency adjustment of health bars for non-current targets does not work
#244 opened by juugler - 2
elvui bug double bar ?
#245 opened by filefontaine - 3
Bug: Castbar border (interruptible) showing even if it's disabled
#246 opened by DashaMG - 3
Looping error during Bastion quest "The Work of One's Hands"
#247 opened by kittykat74 - 0
bigdebuffs stop working with neatplates
#249 opened by alanrep - 7
Error when mob casts outside of nameplate range
#248 opened by Jeremy7600 - 7
Chi/Combo Point
#252 opened by KumaNeeko - 7
Prot Pally Holy Power on Target
#250 opened by Xorag - 5
Massive lag when enemy casting a spell
#251 opened by yummyfish123 - 3
Not working on changing text of friendly NPC's EXCEPT on a single character
#253 opened by Ziliot85 - 2
Offset aura for target
#254 opened by Dairyman - 5
Shadow Priest Insanity doesn't show up as an alternate power.
#255 opened by Fiveby21 - 4
When you set the buff/debuff offset to "0", the spells still aren't listed next to each other.
#256 opened by Fiveby21 - 2
#257 opened by a268-Beefy - 2
Argent Tournament
#258 opened by a268-Beefy - 3
Show Personal Resource bug
#259 opened by HigureYume - 2
Opposing Faction Name Plates
#260 opened by jander99 - 2
alpha mask produces unclean border-shadows
#261 opened by bitdruid - 6
Arena ID is not working
#262 opened by awltr - 3
ComboPointWidget causes Nil value exception, WoW client stops responding
#263 opened by malchwo - 2
Couple Suggestions
#264 opened by mdouglas90 - 3
#265 opened by HuMa69 - 2
#266 opened by Faredino - 45
Error flood
#267 opened by Yasinahh - 2
minimum/maximum alpha (distance)
#268 opened by ANaPhOrAX - 4
Pool of Mixed Monstrosities Nameplate Bugged
#269 opened by bilbo-laggins - 3
Lots of Errors :(
#270 opened by Damidon1 - 5
Animacharged Combo Points for Rogues not working correctly with Deeper Stratagem
#271 opened by Shadowmastr - 5
New Font
#272 opened by Revnn - 6
is this even possible? (possible feature request)
#274 opened by ANaPhOrAX - 2
Nameplate color for "attacking another tank" not showing
#273 opened by Xorag - 2
Widget, script ran too long
#275 opened by TheKrowi - 2
Could I set all nameplate of enemy highlight, not only the target which I selected.
#276 opened by Gary-93 - 5
Constant errors randomly appearing.
#277 opened by Yarvillian - 2
pandemic highlight issue
#278 opened by Nucrox - 2
about neutral monster name bar
#281 opened by wangxu0323